Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore~

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There's pros and cons to having two world class footballers as your parents. Tonight is definitely one of those cons.

I'm sat in my bedroom, door shut and locked, hiding away from yet another one of my mums' arguments that they've been having recently.

My mum had me when she was like 15, yep pretty damn fucking young. But she still did a great job, without my "father" who I think is either still in prison, or dead, I don't know, nor do I care to be completely honest. He's a complete deadbeat.

Then when I was about 10 or 11 I think, she and Keira started a relationship when they met at City. Keira immediately took me in as her own daughter, and has loved me and cared for me just as much as mum, and for that I can't ever repay Keira.

Just after two years of them being together I think it was, I asked my mum if Keira would be okay and maybe consider with becoming officially my other mum, like have her on my birth certificate, her adopting me.

To which Keira was more than ecstatic and over the moon with, and so was mum, loving the fact that I love Keira as much as she does as well.

Then when my mum went to Lyon, Keira still looked after me, I'd stay up with her in Manchester on weekends, then live with my "fathers"grandparents, who I still very much adore, and miss very much back home.

They struggled a little with distance whilst my mum was in France. But they were not once, never, ever, insecure about their relationship or trust within eachother.

But since coming here to Barcelona, it's all practically gone to shit.

They both think that i'm oblivious to what they've been arguing about, but i'm a 16, almost 17 year old who has social media, where everything about footballers, and especially their personal lives is plastered all over.

Ever since the World cup final back two months ago in August, there were photos of my Mum, Lucy, and her new-ish teammate, Ona, hugging and being close.

Instantly, it was all over social media, dating rumours were left right and centre about those two being together.

And of course it spiked new rumours then that Keira was now dating some Laura girl, who she met on a holiday not long ago with my auntie's, Leah, G, Alex S, and a few others, where they first met this Laura.

That's when the paparazzi photos of Keira and this Laura of them on the beach were taken and posted absolutely everywhere, sparking more daring rumours, and rumours of my mums' split, although they'd never gone "Instagram official" they weren't completely all that secretive about their relationship, up until the world cup.

Now, at this point, they've both seen the stuff on social media, and are accusing eachother of cheating, and all that shit, they're both suddenly very insecure about one another and their relationship. But they still have the audacity to lie to me and think that I haven't seen it all.

None of this ever happened before moving here to Barcelona. And I fucking hate it.

No-One's POV

As Y/n hid in her room, she was desperately trying to block out the loud shouts and arguments coming from her mothers's bedroom.

In that said bedroom where the loud voices could be heard were the one of the very many arguments Lucy Bronze and her girlfriend, Keira Welsh have been having lately.

"Lucy- It's fucking everywhere. You are ALWAYS with her. Everyday we have training, you're constantly spotted with her, any game, you're always sat on the bus with her, coming off the bus, with her, warming up, with her. IT'S ALL WITH FUCKING HER, I'VE HAD ENOUGH" Keira cried out loud, clearly not remembering that their daughter was also in their apartment, literally in the room next door.

Lucy laughed sarcastically, shaking her head before responding with, "She's just a friend Keira, for fucks sake. What about those close intimate looking fucking pictures with that Lauren girl, who you'd only just met, yet you still had your arms around her Kei, hey? what about that shit? what about her coming over here the other week to see you, come to the game, and you try hide it from me, hm?. Ona is a new, young girl who's just come back from England, just like us, I just wanted to ease her nerves coming into such a big team like Barça, I took that kid under my wing. Nothing more Keira. Fuck me" Lucy ranted on, pointing out the issues she had.

Keira shook her head. "First off it's Laura. Second of all, we were just walking along the beach, having a laugh. Those photos don't show the fact that Leah, G, Alex and our other mates were also there. Those ones have been purposely put out to spark rumours like this. Fucking hell, you wouldn't have had a problem if it were one of me other mates who's arm I had around, if it was Le, G or Alex. It would have been fine. But just because it's a new mate of mine who you don't know, suddenly you're going straight to the worst points and thinking the worst!" Keira went on to say.

Lucy paced around their bedroom as Keira stayed sat up on their bed.

"You still didn't explain the fact that you hid that she came out here the other week, and came to the game, to see you. Why would she come to one of your games Keira? when you barely fucking know eachother. Make it make sense, 'cos it sure as hell don't make sense to me. Going out with her for breakfast the day after the game, lying to me that you were with Aitana, you can't keep fucking lying to me Keira and expecting me to not find out" Lucy said rubbing her temples with her fingers on either side of her head, still pacing up and down the room.

"BECAUSE I KNEW, I JUST FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE GONNA KICK OFF LIKE THIS LUCE!" Keira shouted back, tears brimming in her eyes, growing more and more frustrated.

Before Lucy could even formulate a response back to Keira's shouts, both of their heads immediately shot to the door, hearing that a door had slammed shut rather loudly. Lucy bolted to their bedroom door, ripping it open, Keira jumped off her bed.

Lucy darted to the living room, whilst Keira went to their daughter's bedroom, opening the door, finding the room empty, no y/n to be seen at all. She quickly checked y/n's bathroom, absolutely nothing.

She ran into the living room, to see Lucy who was now standing out in the hallway of their apartment, looking down the hallway.

Lucy walked back in, "She in there?" Lucy questioned frantically, Keira shook her head. Keira then ran to the kitchen counter, grabbing both her car keys and Lucy's, throwing Lucy's to hers, and grabbing her shoes.

"C'mon, she can't have gotten far, surely" Keira rushed out as she slipped on her shoes, Lucy nodded and did the same before they both darted out of the door and out into the night, in a very quick hurry to find their daughter.

This will be a multi part series.

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