Clàudia Pina X Y/N~The Comeback~

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After attending this game on Saturday, I am dying to write something about it, also including some things in this story that actually happened :)

Y/n's POV

"How, how are you feeling about today?" Pina asked me softly as we walked around the streets of West London.

I looked at her, nodding slowly, "Yeah, yeah. I'm feeling good. A bit on edge, but if I get the chance to get on that pitch, i'll be fine" I responded, my girlfriend nodded. "You'll be fine, bebè, I can't wait to see you comeback, you've worked so hard for it" Pina said sweetly, grabbing my hand softly into hers.

We continued walking with the rest of the team, hand in hand through the unusually quiet streets of London, occasionally pointing out something cool, interesting or random that came to our attention.

Today was finally game day again, against Chelsea, at Stamford Bridge, in the second leg of the UWCL semi-final.

Currently, Chelsea are 1-0 ahead on aggregate. So we've got all to play for this evening. They really rattled us after the game last week.

Like, really, really pissed us off, to the point where majority of the girls were in tears after the narrow loss.

So we very much plan to come in this evening all guns blazing, showing exactly who the world's best are.

But also. Today could potentially be my comeback, after being out with my ACL injury in my left knee.

I've been back on the squad sheet for two weeks, but am yet to play. So it's just a matter of waiting now to see when or if Jona will play me.

We stopped at a few different places, mostly so the other girls could "sightsee" although, there isn't all that much in West London to see to be honest.

Myself, Lucy and Keira are used to seeing the same old english streets, so nothing was all that interesting to us. The other girls though, found it fascinating.

But I did keep a smile on my face, seeing how happy and intrigued my girlfriend was about all of our surroundings.

We eventually got to this bridge and all stopped for a team photo.

Very stupidly, Aitana decided in her head that it was a good idea to sit on the wall awkwardly, she was essentially crouching on the damn thing.

Just as she was about to jump down, she lost balance, and she had to literally grip onto Esme and Ingrid for dear life to not end up going for a swim in the river thames.

Whilst Aitana went white as a ghost, Esme and Ingrid immediately panicked, turning to grab her, whilst Keira and Pina on the other hand, were laughing their arses off, I was just stood there in shock.

But successfully and safely, she was back on the ground and not in the thames, swimming with the fishes and abandoned shopping trollies that usually end up in UK rivers.

We went and carried on walking, and I looked up to see the media team, with their cameras and phones, knowing they've definitely caught all of that on camera.

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