Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On~

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No-One's POV

"Thanks for letting me stay with you, Kei" Y/n said as they travelled in the car, "Y/n, you're my daughter for gods sake, you don't have to thank me for basic parenting" Keira joked, looking over to Y/n, "I- I know, but- like after everything. I didn't think you'd still want to see me" Y/n admitted honestly and sadly.

This upset Keira. Sure, she wasn't      Y/n's biological mother, but she was her officially adopted mother, and she was put on Y/n's birth certificate, after updating it from being Y/n's absent "Father" who was nothing more than Lucy's sperm donor to be completely honest.

"Y/n. For the last seven years, i've been in your life. In those seven years, I've loved and cared for you as if I was the one who gave birth to you, I adopted you, so I'd have legal rights over you if anything ever, god forbid, happened to your mum, we got my name put on your birth certificate. I love you so much baby girl, no matter what, i'll always be here as your other Mum, no matter what's happened between me and your mum, i'll always be here for you, forever, okay?" Keira said honestly.

"Thanks, Kei, I love you too" Y/n said quietly.

"Whenever you want to come over, you're more than welcome to. You have a key, so even if i'm not there and you want to come over, you still can, it's your place too, you've got a room there, it's ours as well, alright?" Keira then said, Y/n nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, Kei-Kei" Y/n said softly as the drive eventually came to an end as they arrived at Lucy's apartment.

"I'll see you soon yeah?" Keira asked as Y/n undone her seatbelt, "Yeah, i'll see you soon, I love you"

"I love you too, Kiddo" Keira replied before Y/n got out of her car and closed the door, walking towards the complex front doors and scanning the door, she gave Keira a wave before letting herself inside.

Y/n's POV

I really hated every single moment of this situation i'm in. Never did I think i'd have my parents no longer together, and having to see them separately, the only time i'd ever see them together was when they were at training or playing. Trying to move on from this, it's not easy. Truthfully I don't think i'll ever move on from my Mum's splitting.

I made my way up to my mum's apartment, letting myself in, instantly Narla rushed to the door, jumping at my feet. Not seeing me for a few days, she was excited to see me.

"Hey, hey baby, hi" I cooed as I gave her a cuddle before letting her back down and closing the door behind me, walking fully into the apartment.

I'm met with my Mum and Ona, sat on the sofa cuddling. Something I still wasn't used to, never wanted to be used to either.

"Heya baby girl, you okay?" My mum asked, looking up at me, I nodded in response before heading straight to my room, Narla following closely behind. I let her in, closing the door behind me before jumping onto my bed, Narla jumping on right after, lying next to me.

After about five minutes of peace and quiet, my door opened carefully, my mum poked her head in first before stepping through and closing the door behind her.

"You okay?" My mum asked as she walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge.

"Mhm" I mumbled back bluntly.



"Y/n, stop mumbling, talk to me"

"I'm fine" I huffed out, closing my eyes, giving Narla head scratches as she led next to me.

"Obviously not. What's going on? Did you have a nice time at Kei's?" My mum then asked. I opened my eyes, looking at her for a brief second

"It was fine" I said, then focusing my eyes back onto Narla who was half asleep on my bed.

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