Clàudia Pina X Y/N ~Misunderstanding~

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A/N~ Life has been hella busy lately, i'm really sorry for the absence and lack of updates. I promise i'm getting on top of all the chapters i've got lined up in this book and the Katie McCabe one and they will be out very soon!

Thank you all for your patience.

Gutted about Mariona leaving Barça, but also in a way excited to see her very, very likely coming to Arsenal, it's a "loss-win" situation I guess, gonna be weird to not see her at Barça though.

Y/n's POV

As soon as I woke up, something wasn't right, something felt wrong.

I realised just what that was when I opened my eyes, turning to my left to see the empty space in the bed, nothing there other than the imprint of my girlfriends body.

There was no noise, no movement, nothing around our apartment which only confused me more. Where is Clàudia?

I rubbed my eyes before I sat up and got out of bed, checking my watch, my eyes widened at the time, realising I had less than 15 minutes before our last training session of the season started.

I instantly rush around our bedroom, yanking my training kit, socks and underwear out of my draw, quickly scrambling about to get them on, before throwing my hair in a messy bun as usual.

I rushed back to the side of my bed, taking my phone off charge and my house keys before darting out of our bedroom into the kitchen/living room, I practically sprinted to the shoe rack, grabbing a pair of trainers to put on before then darting to the door and out of it.

I sprinted down the corridor of our apartment complex and down the stairs, knowing full well that the elevator was going to take 10 years to arrive if I waited. I ran down the staircase, skipping every other step, but trying at the same time to not break my neck.

Why the fuck did Clàudia not wake me up for? Why did she leave without me? Don't focus on that right now Y/n, you've got much bigger problems to be dealing with, like Jona when he finds out that you're going to be late.

I checked the time as I bursted through the entrance doors, 9 minutes, get a shift on Y/n.

I upped my pace, practically full on sprinting to training, as it wasn't too far, the training ground is practically over the road from our apartment, but I still had to get myself sorted before we trained.

Just as I reached the training ground doors, I checked the time once again, 7 minutes. I ran down the corridors of Joan Gamper, and eventually made it to our changing room.

I stopped and took a few breaths, not wanting everyone to bombard me with questions as to why I am heavily out of breath.

I took one last deep breath before opening the door to the changing room, and I wasn't expecting the sight that I saw. All of the girls were all huddled into the corner of the changing room.

Upon my entry, everyone's heads turned and they all faced me, backing away from the corner and to their own seats in the changing room.

It was then I realised they were all huddling my girlfriend, as she came into view, she had her head in her hands, with Patri sat next to her, arm over her shoulder as she held her closely to her chest.

"Um, what's going on?" I said confused, closing the door slowly behind me, but relieved that Clàudia was okay and safe. But also concerned that something was wrong.

"Sabes exactamente lo que está pasando, Y/n" Patri then said, looking at me with pure anger in her tone of voice as well as in her facial expression.

I only furrowed my eyebrows even more, completely unaware of what is currently going on. "Pina?" I said quietly as I slowly walked up to her, but before I could get to her, Patri quickly rose to her feet, and pushed my shoulders harshly, making me fall a few steps back.

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