Chapter 16

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Prabhneet Kaur

For the past 48 hours, I've been holed up in my bedroom. I haven't had a single bite to eat, a sip of water, or even a wink of sleep. Despite the constant knocking on my door every five minutes, I refuse to budge. The person on the other side of the door is begging me to come out, but I can't bring myself to do it.

My mind is in a state of turmoil, and I can't seem to shake off the feeling of despair that has taken hold of me. The world outside my room seems like a distant memory, and I'm content to stay locked away from it all. The knocking on my door is becoming more insistent, but I'm determined to stay put.

As the hours tick by, I find myself lost in my thoughts. Memories of happier times flood my mind, but they only serve to make me feel more despondent. I know I can't stay locked away forever, but the thought of facing the world outside my door is too much to bear.

At this moment, I am in dire need of my brothers. I emerged from my room and scanned the area, ensuring that no one was present. I quietly left the house and headed towards my elder brothers' residence.

My heart was heavy with worry and anxiety, and I knew that my brothers were the only ones who could provide me with the comfort and support that I needed. As I drove towards their house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and hope.

I knew that my brothers would be there for me, no matter what. They were my pillars of strength, my confidants, and my best friends. I was grateful for their unwavering love and support, and I knew that I could always count on them to be there for me, through thick and thin.

The moment I pressed the doorbell of my brothers' extravagant mansion, the grand entrance swung open, revealing my eldest brother, Lalli paji, standing there with his adorable son Raj cradled in his arms. It was a sight that warmed my heart and instantly brought a smile to my face. Lalli paji, with his warm and welcoming demeanor, greeted me with open arms, inviting me into their luxurious abode.

As soon as Paji caught sight of my tear-streaked face, he gently placed his son on the ground and I rushed into my brother's arms. I couldn't hold back my sobs as he lovingly stroked my hair, offering me the comfort and support I so desperately needed in that moment.

My brother's embrace was warm and reassuring, and I felt a sense of safety and security wash over me. As I cried, he held me close and whispered words of encouragement, reminding me that I was not alone and that he would always be there for me.

In that moment, I realized just how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate brother. His love and support meant the world to me, and I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I could always count on him to be by my side, offering me strength and comfort whenever I needed it most.

"Prabhi, I'm really concerned about you," Paji expresses with a worried tone in his voice. I can see the genuine care in his eyes as he looks at me, waiting for my response.

"Paji, I just can't marry Aman," I reply, my voice trembling with sadness. The weight of my decision hangs heavy on my heart, and I can't help but let my emotions pour out. My brother, always there for me, continues to offer comfort and support, whispering words of solace into my ear.

Suddenly, amidst my tears, I hear a familiar voice calling out my name. It's Deep Paji, my other brother, rushing towards us with concern etched on his face. Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. In that moment, I feel a sense of security and warmth, as if all my worries are momentarily lifted.

In Deep Paji's embrace, I find solace and a safe space to let my tears flow freely. It's unusual for me to cry so openly, but the weight of my emotions has become too much to bear. Deep Paji's presence reminds me that I'm not alone in this difficult time, and that my family will always be there to support me.

As I cry in Deep Paji's arms, I can't help but feel a sense of relief. The past few days have been filled with uncertainty and inner turmoil, but being surrounded by my brothers gives me strength. Their unwavering love and support remind me that I am not alone in facing life's challenges.

With each passing moment, I feel a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness. I know that the road ahead won't be easy, but having my brothers by my side gives me the courage to face whatever lies ahead. Together, we will navigate this storm and emerge stronger than ever before.

My heart swelled with joy as both of my sister-in-laws joined in on the warm embrace between me and my brothers. It was a beautiful moment, filled with love and a sense of togetherness that only family can bring. We were a tight-knit bunch, always there for each other through thick and thin.

Speaking of my brothers, they were both happily married, finding their soulmates and building their own families. It was a blessing to witness their love and see them flourish in their respective relationships. However, there was one exception - Sunny paji, my brother who had chosen a different path for the time being.

Sunny paji had decided to reside in our brothers' old apartment for a while, taking care of his personal assistant who he had developed a deep affection for. It was a unique situation, but love knows no boundaries, and it seemed that these two souls had found solace in each other's company. It was heartwarming to see Sunny paji's dedication and commitment to his personal assistant, going above and beyond to ensure their well-being. Love truly works in mysterious ways, and this unexpected twist in Sunny paji's life only added to the colorful tapestry of our family's story.

Love has always been a fascinating concept to me, and I don't think that will ever change. However, when Aman confessed his love for me, I found myself struggling to believe him. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was lying. After all, he's my older sister's husband's younger brother - it just seems too complicated. Plus, he's even older than my sister! I can't imagine marrying someone who is 12 years older than me.

Despite my reservations, Aman has been persistent in his pursuit of me. He's always sending me sweet messages and trying to spend time with me. I have to admit, there are moments when I feel myself starting to fall for him. But then I remember all the reasons why it could never work between us. It's not just the age difference - there's also the fact that our families are so intertwined.

I wish I could just ignore my doubts and give in to my feelings for Aman. But the truth is, I'm scared. I don't want to risk ruining the relationships I have with my sister and her husband. And I don't want to end up regretting my decision to be with someone so much older than me. It's a difficult situation to be in, and I'm not sure what the right answer is. All I know is that I need to take my time and think things through before making any big decisions.

From the moment I met Aman, I knew he would be an irreplaceable friend in my life. His genuine kindness, unwavering care, and infectious humor were like a breath of fresh air. He had this incredible ability to bring a smile to my face, no matter how gloomy the day seemed. However, when circumstances led me to England for a year, our once unbreakable bond began to crumble, especially after a foolish argument that escalated over the phone. I must take responsibility for my part in that disagreement, but as time went on, I grew to be proud of the decision I made. That man, who I once considered my confidant, didn't deserve the loyalty of our friendship. He shattered my trust by concealing the fact that we were supposed to be married.

Simi Phabi reassured me that I never have to return to that place again. She knew that Jashan didi and Gunu would support my decision. I appreciated her words of comfort and felt grateful for my family's support. Spending time with them and my little nephew Raj was all I wanted.

As I held Raj in my arms, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love for my family. It was heartwarming to see how much we had grown over the years. Two of my brothers had found their soulmates, and I hoped that my other brother, Sunny Paji, would find his too. My three older sisters had also found their soulmates and were starting families of their own.

Being surrounded by my loved ones made me feel at peace. I knew that no matter what challenges I faced in life, my family would always be there to support me. I felt blessed to have them in my life and looked forward to creating more memories with them in the future.

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