Chapter 21

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Prabhneet Kaur

Leaning against the window frame, I let out a heavy sigh as my gaze wandered across the picturesque streets of London. There was no denying the city's undeniable charm, but deep down, I couldn't help but feel a pang of homesickness. London may be beautiful, but it wasn't home. Home was thousands of miles away, in the bustling streets of New York City.

New York, with its towering skyscrapers and vibrant energy, held a special place in my heart. It was where my family resided, where memories were made, and where I truly belonged. The thought of being separated from them, even temporarily, weighed heavily on my mind. Yet, circumstances had led me to this foreign land, far from the familiar sights and sounds that brought me comfort.

The reason for my unexpected stay in London was none other than Aman.

Ever since my move to England, Aman and I have drifted apart, losing touch with each passing day. Our once vibrant friendship has withered, leaving behind a void that seems impossible to bridge. The absence of communication has taken its toll, eroding the trust that was once the foundation of our bond. Doubts and uncertainties now cloud my perception of Aman, making it difficult to rely on him as I once did.

My phone suddenly starts ringing, and a smile instantly spreads across my face as I see my sister's caller ID flashing on the screen. "Hi didi!" I exclaim, excitement evident in my voice.

"Prabh, you went back to England, didn't you?" she asks, her tone filled with a mix of concern and anger. I feel a lump forming in my throat, knowing that she's upset. "Didi, I had to," I croak, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Prabh, you should've spoken to me! Do you even realize how worried we've been?!" she shouts, her frustration pouring through the phone. I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. "Our brothers know I'm here, so do Dadi and Dadu," I explain, hoping to ease her worries.

"What about your sisters?! Did you forget we exist?!" Her words hit me like a wave of guilt, and I feel a surge of remorse wash over me. I should have told my sisters about my decision. "Didi, I'm sorry. I just had to. I just can't marry Aman," I confess, my voice trembling with emotion.

"I know, and I was going to talk to your jija, but before I could, you left. Aman's been searching for you for weeks. I'm afraid he's going to find you," she reveals, concern lacing her words. The thought of Aman finding me sends shivers down my spine. "Didi, make sure he doesn't find me," I plead, desperation evident in my voice.

"I promise I'll do my best. I want the best for you," Didi assures me, her voice filled with determination. We continue talking for a while longer, cherishing the precious moments we have before she has to hang up to avoid getting caught.

The weight of regret settled heavily on my shoulders as I pondered the consequences of my silence. It gnawed at me, knowing that I had kept such a significant secret from my beloved sisters. How could I have been so foolish? But the fear that gripped my heart was far greater than any remorse I felt. Aman, a man I had once trusted, had become a relentless pursuer, determined to make me his wife against my will. The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine.

The walls of my room seemed to close in on me as I grappled with the decision I had made. It was a choice born out of desperation, a desperate attempt to protect myself from the clutches of a man who saw me as nothing more than a possession. I couldn't bear the thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage, stripped of my freedom and autonomy. The very idea of it made my blood run cold.

So, I made the difficult choice to keep my impending move a secret from my sisters. It pained me to deceive them, to withhold such important information from the very people who had always stood by my side. But I knew that if the word got out, Aman would stop at nothing to find me. His obsession had reached dangerous levels, and I couldn't risk putting my sisters in harm's way. I had to protect them, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness. The burden of my secret weighed heavily on my conscience, but the thought of Aman's relentless pursuit fueled my determination to keep running, to keep fighting for the freedom I so desperately craved.

The thought of Aman relentlessly pursuing me, determined to make me his wife against my will, sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't bear the idea of being trapped in a loveless marriage, forced to spend the rest of my life with a man I didn't love. The mere thought of it made my heart race with fear and desperation.

I refused to let Aman's intentions become a reality. I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and find a way to escape his clutches. The thought of being hunted down like prey only fueled my determination to outsmart him. I couldn't let him win, not when my happiness and freedom were at stake.

With every passing day, I devised a plan to evade Aman's relentless pursuit. I sought refuge in the darkest corners of the city, constantly changing my appearance and identity to stay one step ahead of him. It was a dangerous game, but I was willing to risk it all to avoid the life he had planned for me. I knew that if I didn't succeed, my fate would be sealed, and I would forever be bound to a man I despised.

I proudly introduce myself as the granddaughter of the esteemed Sardar Avtar Singh. Born into a family of strong individuals, I am the sister of Lakhbir Singh, Deep Singh, and Sunjot Singh. Growing up in such a household has instilled in me a sense of independence and resilience that sets me apart from others. I carry myself with confidence, knowing that I am capable of achieving great things on my own.

Being a part of a family with such strong personalities, it is no surprise that I have inherited their determination and unwavering spirit. I stand tall, knowing that no one can easily intimidate or overpower me. I have been raised to believe in my own strength and to never settle for anything less than what I deserve. Therefore, the idea of someone trying to force me into a marriage against my will is simply unthinkable.

I am a woman who values her freedom and independence above all else. I refuse to be confined by societal expectations or pressured into a marriage that I do not desire. My family has always supported me in pursuing my dreams and aspirations, and I am determined to carve my own path in life. I am not one to be easily swayed or controlled, and I will continue to assert my autonomy and make choices that align with my own happiness and fulfillment.

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