[007] and we run

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season one, episode six

WHEN CHARLOTTE WAKES the following morning, she's not met with the sounds of nature or an engine for the first time in a long while. She's actually safe, enclosed within four walls with a sturdy roof over her head, an almost unheard of concept these days. The thing that does bother her, however, is the distinct lack of cool air in the room. Last night, before closing her eyes to sleep, it had been so comfortable in that room and the air conditioning had been running perfectly. Now, now it's as if she's been thrown into a sauna and left to sweat to death.

Sitting up in the bed, the brunette carefully grabs her Polaroid picture and slips it back into the front of her bag. Losing that photo would be losing one of the final reminders she actually has of her parents, she doesn't want that — it would simply break her heart into two pieces incapable of being put back together.

Gently fanning herself with her hand, the teenager throws the covers off and gets out of the bed. Walking over to the air vent, she sticks her hand under to see if the heater had accidentally been switched on instead. It's clearly not the case, no air seeping from the cracks in the vent at all — there is simply nothing there. The cool air has been switched off entirely, leaving the inhabitants to swelter.

A loud knock on her door pulls in her attention, walking over and opening it up to see Lori on the other side with sweat coating the top of her forehead. She looks disheveled, a worry deep within her eyes and it brings a rush of panic over Charlotte who has only ever really seen this woman composed. If she's scared or worried, then there's something amiss here.

"Hey, Charlie. You didn't join us for breakfast," Lori breathes out, using her hand to wipe her forehead. "Somebody was meant to come and get you,"

"I think I needed the sleep in more than I thought. I'll grab something to eat at lunch time," Charlotte assures with a kind smile, acting as if she can't sense the woman's mood.

"Well I was just about to head down and check what's going on with the air if you want to join me? It's way too hot in here,"

Charlotte nods and slips her shoes and socks on, slipping out into the hallways just as Jenner walks by them. He's thrown many questions as to why nothing seems to be on anymore, even Daryl sticks his head out of his room to search for answers. The Doctor takes the bottle of liquor that Daryl had been holding, taking gulps of the liquid impressively fast.

"Energy use is being prioritized," Jenner explains rather glumly, avoiding eye contact with the people around him.

"Air isn't a priority? And lights?" Dale asks, standing in the hallway with a scrutinizing glance.

The Doctor doesn't answer, simply downing even more of the alcohol as if to numb anything he's feeling. "It's not up to me. Zone 5 is shutting itself down,"

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