Chapter 5

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We arrive at Route 22 first, which is known as Détourner Way. We are here because there is one Pokemon that I want to capture. Clemont says, "We've been walking for so long... I'm totally exhausted..."

"Oh, hang in there, Clemont! Remember, we might come across some cool Pokemon!" I say.

"You sure have a lot of energy, Ash." David says.

"Clemont, yuo're gonna have to keep up, or you'll get left behind." Bonnie says.

"Hey! You taunted me quite enough!" Clemont says back.

Just then, we hear a loud roar, we run ahead to find a pride of Pyroar and Litleo down below. Suddenly, the male Pyroar roars angrily and a Litleo cowers in fear. The female Pyroar and the other three Litleo walk off, leaving only these two. The Litleo tiptoes back towards the Pyroar, who roars again angrily and grits his teeth menacingly. Defeated, Litleo bows its head and tries hugging the larger Pokémon's leg. However, Pyroar is not impressed and flicks his leg upwards, throwing Litleo some distance away.

"I think they're having a fight?" Elline asks.

"No, I think Litleo's about to leave its pride." I say.

Undeterred, the Litleo runs back towards the Pyroar, throwing a tantrum. Pyroar retaliates with a breath of fire. When it tries to attack again, I decide to intervene. "Stop! Pyroar!"

Pyroar looks at me and says, "This is not your business, human."

"I know, but you should let it stay a little longer. I can't just stand by and watching Litleo hurt." I say.

Pyroar tries to attack me with Flamethrower, but Zoroark retaliates with Night Daze. As the smoke from the explosion clears, we are shocked to see that all the Pokémon have gone, except Litleo.

"Litleo, are you okay?" I ask, but Litleo has been squirming around. We notice that its paw is hurt, so I try to treat him, only to be bitten by Litleo.

"Ash!" Serena says with worry. I say, "I'm fine. Litleo. It's alright now." Litleo feels sorry at first, but then his stomach then rumbles. We try to offer some food, but Litleo just leaves.

"Wait, Litleo!" Bonnie says. I say, "Bonnie. I think it's doing its best to try and learn how to be on its own."

"And Litleo's hurt! I'm worried, okay?" Bonnie says.

"I know, we could watch over Litleo from a distance." David says.

Litleo looks disheartened as he walks through the grasslands, and then he walks off the cliff, which surprises us. Litleo is now throwing a tantrum again, before calming himself and resolves to keep moving forward, with us trailing behind. After it continues to move, it is about to fall until I manage to have Froakie throws the Frubbles without him noticing to stop it from falling.

Litleo tries to swim through the water, but he is stumbling as I quickly send out Venusaur, using the vines to help Litleo, also without him noticing. But much to my surprise, we find that a Pyroar is actually watching.

"That's the Pyroar from before." Bonnie says.

"I wonder if it's been watching this whole time." Serena says.

Litleo later scales a large rock. Exhausted, it is suddenly energized again by the sight of an Oran Berry tree. David says, "Of course, Litleo's been looking for food! He's being independent, that's why he's looking for food on his own."

"I see. So that's why he doesn't want our food." Elline says.

"Do you think it knew that Pyroar was keeping an eye on it?" I ask.

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