twelve ⚫️

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The whole bullying and teasing thing only seemed to continue throughout the week. The teachers were all so fed up with it. Any time that Turner or Williams' would try to step in, Shawn just would tell them to bud out, but of course they didn't because they just wanted to help the kid.

"I just don't understand how these kids can be so mean," Turner commented as it was now lunch time.

"Yeah, and you'd think giving them detention would stop all of this bullying, but it only seems to continue."

"I'm just so fed up with it."

Shawn went through the lunch line, as he knew sneaking around the building only ever caused Turner to miss a portion of his lunch looking for his ass. He didn't like the cafeteria anymore with all of the people there and nowhere to go, but he didn't have much of a choice.

The twelve-year-old then decided that maybe he could try sitting with a new friend group. So he went over to what he would always use to consider the 'loser's table' which included Minkus along with a couple other unpopular students.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Yeah, we do. We don't accept people like you." One of the nerds scoffed, and being rejected by a nerd really made the boy feel low.

Shawn knew there couldn't possibly be anyone lower than him now. He realized just how much of a loser he really was.

"Shawn, I can sit with you if you want." Minkus offered, and it was a strange occurrence where the petite kid would be kind to Shawn, as the two of them always teased each other about their differences.

That really meant a lot to Shawn, but even Minkus didn't deserve to have to put up with him. He was a good student after all, and Shawn was nothing but a lowlife loser anymore.

"Thanks, Minkus, but I see you have your own friends, and they're definitely better than me."

"Well, I don't care about what Charles says. If you ever decide you want to sit with us, you're more than welcome to." The blonde boy showed a sympathetic smile.

Shawn really did appreciate how kind Stuart was being, but he didn't like it. He never took pity too well, and he also couldn't stand changes either. It was like his life truly was falling apart.

Topanga observed what had just happened with what Charles had said and felt bad for him: "Shawn, you can sit with Cory and I if you'd like."

Shawn thought about it; he really did, but he couldn't accept the offer. That's the whole reason why he stopped being friends with Cory to begin with—because he knew it wouldn't last. As much as he wanted to just make up with his friends, he couldn't bring himself to do it. They deserve so much better than me, he thought.

"Nah, you guys enjoy your lunch." Shawn spoke, feeling despondent. He had nowhere to go, and there's no way he'd be able to sit alone.

That's what he did, though: sit at an empty table where he was isolated from the rest. The boy wondered how in the world he ended up like this. Then he realized that it was bound to happen anyway, since he is a trailer park kid after all, and life just doesn't work out for the Hunters, as they always seemed to get stuck with the short end of the stick.

The kid stared blankly at his food, feeling detached from society itself. That was until a random boy from his grade came over to him. "Loser, how's it feel to be alone?"

Shawn just looked away, knowing that if he responded back, it would only satisfy him. He knew it would only be so long before he'd say something smart back, though.

"Oh, what? Don't you talk?"

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you say something because all I hear is an annoying buzzing noise, so maybe you should just fly away and go bug somebody else for a change. Or better yet, go fuck yourself."

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