Chapter 30 Second Date

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  • Dedicated to Cynthia


It was finally Saturday, my and Anthony's second date. We were going to dinner then a movie (Identity Thief, my pick), so I didn't really have to get too dressed up. I asked my friend Cynthia to come over and  help me pick out what to wear. After about 10 outfit changes, we finally picked a flowy shirt, a pair of leffings and flats. I came out of my walk-in closet to show Cynthh the outfit.

"Oh my god, YES! That's it!" she exclaimed.

"You really think so?" I asked. "Of course it is!" she said. "When have I ever steered you wrong?"

I tapped my chin. "Well there was that one time..." I said, pointing my finger at her.

She rolled her eyes and swatted my hand away. "Oh stop it. You look amazing and Anthony is gonna go crazy."

I grinned and gave her a hug. We  talked as I did my hair and makeup. 30 minutes later, I was ready. " do I look?" I asked. I stood up and posed.

"You look gorgeous!" Cynthh told me. I blushed and there was a knock at the door.

"It's him!" I whispered.

"Well of course it's him, who else could it be, George Clooney?" Cynthh joked.

I slapped her arm lightly. "Oh, stop." I started to get up to let Anthony in, but she ran to the door before me.

"MAND, OH MY GOD IT REALLY IS GEORGE CLOONEY COME QUICK!!!" she exclaimed. I ran to the door.

"What?!?! No way!!" I skidded into Cynthia to find Anthony standing in the doorway, wide-eyed and confused. "Umm..." I turned beet red. "I'm sorry, Anthony, my friend was joking. Come in!"

He walked in and looked at me. "Wow, you look great!"

I blushed. "Thank you," I said smiling. I grabbed my clutch from the coffee table. "Bye, Cynthia!" I called.

"Cya, have fun kids!" she called as I pulled the door closed.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you two. That was friend Cynthia, she lives in LA," I told a once again confused Anthony.

"Oh, okay," Anthony said now understanding. He took me to his car and we drove to dinner.


I found a parking spot at The Golden Bear and we walked in. The bell rang as I pushed the door opened, and the hostess looked up.

"For two?" she asked, looking at us.

I nodded. "Yes." She guided us to a table.

"Your server will be with you shortly," she told us, handing us menus. We ordered our drinks when the waiter came.

"I've never been here before, I thought it was a nice-but-not-formal place." I said.

Mandy looked up from her menu. "It's cute, I think I was here once with friends a while ago." The waiter came back, and we ordered our food. "It was renovated, wasn't it?" Mandy asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I read that on their website." We talked for a while and then our food was served. When we were finished, the waiter came back and asked if we wanted dessert.

I looked at my Rolex. We were cutting it close to the movie. "Not tonight, I'm afraid." The waiter nodded and took our empty plates. I left a tip on the table and paid at the front. "Let's go see that movie then!" I said smiling.

We arrived to the movie theater just in time to get our tickets and catch the previews. They're the best part of the movie! You get to rate them, saying whether the movie looks stupid or that you really want to see it. The movie finally started, and it was hilarious!

"You picked a good one," I told Mandy as we left the theater.

"I really did; that was so funny!" she agreed. I drove her home and walked her to the door.

"I really enjoyed tonight," she said smiling. Her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

"Me too," I said.

We were quiet for a moment and the we both leaned in close. We were inches apart when she whispered, "I've missed you." Our lips touched and it was a forever kiss. Our lips were locked like chains. We finally escaped for oxygen. Her eyes were still closed for a few moments as I pulled away.

"Goodnight, Mandy." I said.

She walked backward slowly into the doorway and opened the door, sliding into the darkness of her house. I walked back to my car, smiling like the Chesire cat the whole ride home.

WOW! I haven't been that descriptive in a while haha. Well I hope you liked this chapter!! :D Fun fact, The Golden Bear is an actual diner in Sacramento. I don't know if it's renovated, but I wrote that for the story. Also, if you haven't seen Identity Thief yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? It really is hilarious! Anyway please vote and please please comment! Until next chapter! <33 

PS Shoutout to CynthhLeSmosher on twitter, who is Cynthia/Cynthh in this chapter!! ily gurl! :)

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