Chapter 8 Keeping quiet

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Ian pulled you close towards him. It’s finally happening. You and he kissed. And it was wonderful.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Ian confessed. You stared at him for a moment.

“So have I,” you whispered back with a breath. You and Ian were still sitting in your swings close together.

You put your forehead against his. “What are we going to tell Anthony? Megan?” Ian lifted his head.

“We’re not going to say anything. Not now at least,” he added, when you frowned. He kissed your cheek. “Anthony has enough on his plate right now. We can wait.” You agreed.

“Let’s not keep it a secret for too long,” you said, worriedly.

“No, we won’t,” Ian reassured you. He was silent for a moment. “I love you, (YN),” Ian said softly, taking your hand.

“I love you too,” you said back, and kissed him once more.


I love (YN). I’ve only known her for a month, and barely, but I love her. But for the few hours that I spent with (YN), I just felt something for her. I have butterflies in my stomach when I see her. They say that’s called love. And I’m in love with (YN). We agreed to keep it a secret for a while. I got up and reached for her hand. We walked back to my house, our fingers interlocked the whole way back. “So,” I said when we got inside. “What now?”

(YN) leaned on the counter. “Well I guess we could watch a movie,” she said.

“Okay,” I said. “We have a plethora of movies so go take your pick. I’ll make some popcorn and get drinks.” (YN) nodded while she sifted through all the movies. She finally picked out The Exorcist. She handed it to me, and sat on the couch.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me. You’re going to be screaming bloody murder,” I said incredulously.

“I’ve seen scary movies before! I saw The Shining.” (YN) said defiantly.

I laughed. “That movie is a joke. If you really want to watch this though…”

“I do!” she said.

“Okayyy,” I said laughing again. “Don’t stay too far away from me.” (YN) made a face but scooted closer to me when I sat down.


I finally landed in Myrtle Beach International Airport. I called my mom when I got off the plane to tell her I had landed and I would be at the hospital as soon as I could. I picked up my bags, got a rental car, and drove to the hospital. I arrived to the hospital and paid a valet to park my rental. I walked in and searched for Kevin’s room. He was in the ICU, room #104. I finally found his room and walked in to find my mother sleeping on a chair next to Kevin’s bed. She woke at my footsteps.

“Oh, Anthony! I’m so glad you’re here!” she said running over to hug me.

“How’s he doing?” I asked. “He woke up for a few minutes about an hour ago, but he was disoriented. He didn’t know where he was.” She informed me.

“Well hopefully he wakes up again soon,” I replied plopping down on a chair beside Mother’s.

“Take a nap, Anthony, you look exhausted. I’ll wake you up if Kevin does.” I persisted, but a moment later I agreed.

"Wake me up in an hour,” I said with a yawn, and drifted off to sleep.

Thanks for reading! Parts 9 and 10 up tomorrow, I'm currently working on part 11. :) Hope you enjoyed; please vote and comment if you liked it! :)

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