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I eyes jolt open to the light vibrating noise of my phone. I pull it from the charger and press on the notification that takes me to my message app.

So are you coming to the beach tonight?

Zayn sent that at eleven a.m. I quickly look up to the top of my phone.

"1:30!" I practically scream. I have never slept in this late. I start typing a reply to Zayn.

Yeah I guess I will. What time are you going to be there? I tap on the send button.

I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom across the hall and lock the door. I look at the mirror at my reflection. I can't believe I didn't take a shower yesterday after I got back from the beach. That's just gross. I reach into the shower and twist the knob right in between hot and cold. I have never been one for hot showers, ecspecially in the summer.

I take off my clothes from yesterday and throw them into the clothes basket as I step into the shower.

Forty-five minutes go by and I turn the shower handle and grab my towel. I step dry off and step out of the shower.

I grab a beach towel from the towel cabinet, and wander back into my room and step into my closet. Hmm... Purple bikini or dirty pink bikini I wore yesterday? Hm.... Clean bathing suit it is! I slip it on and grab a pair of light wash jean shorts and a light blue cut-off shirt. I jog out of my bedroom, beach towel and phone in hand, and down the stairs.

"Bye," I shout through the house.
I stop in my tracks when I realize no one responded.

"Bye!" I yell even louder. Then something catches my eye; a note.

"I Went out I'll be home before dinner ~Mom"

"But you don't even have a fucking job!" I mutter under my breath, "Where the hell could you be?"

It's just been me and mom for the past 10 years. Ever since, John, my father abandoned us we've been alone. It's a long story, but mom has just been falling apart ever since. She's been fired from 3 jobs this year. Like, seriously, How is it possible to be fired from three jobs in one year? She should really consider getting her shit together.

I step into my car and put my key into the ignition, turn it, buckle my seat belt, and drive to the beach.

I pull into the exact same spot I parked yesterday. Looking out at the beach, I see more than one boy, and they are all standing by Zayn. Oh God. They are all so attractive. There are 5 more attractive boys. I could barely handle Zayn's hotness alone. Now there's five times the hotness I have to put up with, without passing out. I can't do this. Is it to late to back out now? My thought was answered when I see Zayn waving at me yelling my name. I groan and step out of the car and wave awkwardly.

He mouthed the words "Come on" and motioned for me to hurry up.

I make it to the edge of the beach where all of the boys are and I feel like I'm being stared down.

"Guys, this is Cameron," Zayn tells them than faces me. "Cameron, this is the guys."

"Hi" I smile timidly. "Names?"

The first boy to speak up had brown hair and blue swim trunks that hang loosely on his perfectly chiseled body.

"My names Liam" he says with a grin.

Then one with a quiff in this dirty blonde hair took a step forward, and shot me a smirk.

"Luke." He says plainly.

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