𝑿𝑿𝑿𝑽𝑰𝑰 - 𝑹𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌

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「𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗」

By 1 p.m., I was putting my boots on. Sodo was already starting his car, and so was Aether. As soon as everyone was ready, we hopped in the car. I was in Sodo's car with him and the three Ghoulettes in the back. I was sitting in the passenger seat after begging Cumulus to change seats. In Aether's car, there was him, Swiss, Rain, Copia, and Mountain. Cirrus decided to put on some music while we drove there, but she put Justin Bieber. I sighed.

« Cirrus, honey, no JB. » I said, thinking it was funny to use that nickname for her.

« You can't blame me, Never say never is so good! » She exclaimed.

« Okay, I agree on this one. It slaps. » Sodo said.

« Not you too! » I said.

We all ended up shouting the lyrics of the chorus... for some reason?


When the song ended, we all looked at each other and busted out laughing. Just imagine how dumb we looked to people on the streets. Then, Mama I'm coming home by Ozzy Osbourne came on. We only sang specific parts as we didn't know the whole song.

We soon arrived at our destination and saw Aether, Copia, and the three other ghouls waiting for us outside of the building. We all got out of the car and walked towards them.

« What took you so long? » Aether asked.

« Aether, it's been three minutes. It wasn't THAT long. » Mountain said.

« Hey, guys!! » A familiar voice said.

Kelly was running towards us at full speed and tackled me into a hug. As soon as she let go of me, she hugged Swiss.

« Can I get a hug, too!? » Cirrus exclaimed.

Kelly giggled and hugged Cirrus as well, then Sunshine and Cumulus. We then got inside the building. Kelly and I ran to get our roller skates and put them on while the others took their time. While waiting for Swiss to come, Kelly was with me.

« If I fall, you'll help me up, right? » She asked, watching her feet as she held onto my arm.

« Nah, I'll laugh, then I'll help you. » I said, grinning.

Kelly chuckled before she let go of my arm to go join Swiss, who had just stepped onto the rink. As she was just a meter away from Swiss, she fell. She looked so dumb while falling, both Swiss and I busted out laughing. I, on the other hand, went with the three ghoulettes and chatted while skating around.

« Why don't you go with Sodo? Kelly's with her boyfriend. » Sunshine said, looking at Sodo. He was talking with Aether.

I dramatically gasped. « Oh, because you don't wanna talk with me? » I sarcastically said.

« That's not what I meant! » She said, laughing, a bit in embarrassment but also laughing for real.

I went to see Sodo. I went in front of him and was going backward to be face-to-face with him, also being careful not to bump into anyone.

« Hey, Sodo! » I said, smiling at him.

« Hi, Neptune! » He said as a smile appeared on his face.

Aether, who was next to Sodo, smirked at us and left the both of us together. I took Aether's place next to him before we got out of the rink to sit somewhere.

« Are you excited to go to Sweden? » He asked as he sat down.

« Yes and no. » I answered, sitting in front of him.

« How come? » He asked.

« Well, I don't want to leave Kelly and, huh, I'm scared of planes. » I said, a bit embarrassed to admit it.

« Don't worry about the plane, I'll be sitting next to you the whole time, so it'll be fine. » He said, smiling.

I smiled back and giggled as he said that. He was so adorable.

« You're gonna have your own room instead of sharing it with Rain and Mountain. » He said out of nowhere.

« Well, those are some good news! Gonna get some privacy. » I said, laughing.

He laughed along with me. His laughter was like music to my ears. It wasn't every day that you heard him laugh. Actually, it was almost surprising to see him smile.

« I can't wait for the next rituals. Now that you're here, I just know they're going to be so much more fun. » He said.

I smiled. He was so kind to me, and for some reason, it surprised me as I was somewhat still not used to his kindness after he had been a pain in the ass for so long.


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