chapter twenty-seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Ignore errors. 

Mina Bennett was bored. Well, she was just becoming bored because her day had been great up until now. She had ventured off from New Orleans to find some witch herbs thinking that anything that would help her maximize her powers was worth having. So, to look serious, she ran through Elyza's closet, picking out the perfect purple jumpsuit.

Coming out of an amazing herbal store in Mississippi after receiving help from one of her distant cousins, she was surprised when she had magic-blocking chains thrown on her arms, a bag over her head, and being tossed in the backseat of a truck.

Only to discover that her kidnappers were her annoying-ass aunts. Of course, they were here. They only ever came to bitch and moan about her decisions.

"Are you even listening?" One of her aunts questioned, slamming her hand down on the oval, wooden table.

Mina snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, Aunt Kelia. I'm listening."

Kealia Bennett scoffed, glancing over at her sister. "And Eleanor, sister, what have you done to protect your nieces from these Mikaelson pests."

Eleanor Bennett cut her eyes at her sister, leaning back in her chair. "I have been in contact with our ancestors, sister," The eldest living Bennett aunt stated, the word sister rolling sarcastically off her lips. "Esther Mikaelson is more a threat than any living Mikaelson. We should focus on her."

"Oh really," Another Bennett said. "Some old white woman with an axe to grind is more of a threat than a Bennett witch whoring around with Klaus Mikaelson?"

"Whoring?" Mina gasped, glaring at her aunt Addison. Her magic flickered the lights. "Bonnie is not a whore and don't you ever say that again."

Addison Bennett chuckled. "Lights dear? Your big bad defense is flicking lights?" Addison stood, staring at Mina as she did. The ground shook beneath them and Mina reached out to the table for support. However, the other Bennett witches only watched, looking just as unaffected as Addison.

Mina accepted the challenge, rising out of her seat. She pushed her magic forward, a wind unlike any other causing everything including the large eight-seater table to rise. "Trust me. Call Bonnie a whore again and I'll show you what my defense is."

"Enough!" Eleanor yelled. When neither her sister nor niece surrendered, she rose. "ENOUGH!" Her voice carried across the room, her magic easily overpowering them as the table flew and crashed into the wall. Mina's wind ceased and the ground became still again. Eleanor flicked her wrist and the table put itself back together and stationed itself exactly where it was beforehand. "Are you two insane? Our ancestors fought for togetherness and here you both are... fighting against each other."


"Shut up, Addison. I am speaking and I will not be interrupted!"

Mina smirked and sat down, twisting to look at her aunt. "Mina Alise Bennett, if you ever do that again, you will want to turn back the clock to prevent the long six hours your mother spent birthing you. Do you hear me?"


"Sister, if you come for my niece again, I will send you and your terrible concentration skills screaming to hell. Then you can meet Esther Mikaelson in person. Am I clear?"

Addison rolled her eyes. "Don't threaten me."

"That wasn't a threat. It was a warning. Don't test me, Addison. Mother isn't here to pry my hands from around your neck."

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