5: Best Intentions

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Natasha is once again back inside the chamber, speaking softly with the young girl. Through an array of strategically placed cameras, Fury and Maria observe the scene. "I think it's time, don't you, Agent Hill?" Maria offers a subtle nod as they make their way to Fury's office, sending word for Natasha to join them when she's finished. The Widow arrives shortly after, closing the door firmly behind her. Whatever is about to happen, Natasha is sure she isn't going to like it.

"So," she begins, her gaze fixed on Fury.

"So," Fury responds, taking his place on the opposite side of his desk that stands as the midpoint in the room. Maria to his side, happy to remain quiet, for now. "It seems you've been dedicating a considerable amount of time to be with our latest inhuman addition."

"Yeah, so?" Natasha counters, unyielding. "Someone needs to give a damn about her and it's clearly not going to be any of you."

"Nat—" Maria attempts to interject, but Fury raises a hand, signalling her to pause.

"Let her speak, Hill. I want to hear all the ways we've fallen short, even though everything we've done for her is for her protection."

"She's just a child, Nick. What is it about that you can't seem to grasp? She's, what, five, six years old? You expect her to wield powers far beyond her years with flawless precision? Do you even comprehend the magnitude of what it must be like to have such strong powers like that at such a tender age?" Fury sighs, really not wanting to argue about this, yet fully aware that confrontation is inevitable when Natasha adopts that certain tone.

"I expect her to refrain from unleashing chaos every time she has a temper tantrum," he asserts, his pace measured as he circles the desk, now face to face with Natasha with nothing in between them. "Furthermore, agent, there are aspects of her capabilities you remain unaware of."

"Then enlighten me." Maria takes charge, activating one of the screens and displaying the necessary data.

"It appears our little Sparky is the product of some kind of experiment with the clear intent to replicate inhuman powers," Natasha examines the gene sequence on the screen. "Whoever did this to her tried to replicate Daisy's inhuman powers. That with a touch of what Wanda can do, gives you Sparky."

"So you're saying this is Hydra?"

"What we're saying is, we don't know." Fury interjects. "But we do know that all of this is taking a great strain on the girl's system. She's had traces of these powers ever since she was born, it's a lot for her to take. The more she uses them, the worse it gets. By keeping her in that chamber, we're helping her more than she can ever understand."

"So, your grand plan is to keep her imprisoned until she matures enough to manage it?"

"We've got the best teams working on a plan of action here, give us some credit. This is all just temporary." Maria adds.

"Once we know what her limits are, we can start training her so she will be in control of it in every situation." Natasha's blood runs cold.

"You're going to make her an agent?" Nick and Maria share a quick look.

"She's inhuman, she hasn't got many other options," Maria explains. Natasha takes in a sharp breath.

"I get it if she were an adult but why can't anybody see that she deserves the chance to have a normal childhood first? Let her live a little before signing her up for a life we all know there is only one way out of." There's a short stunned silence after Natasha states the obvious. "You can't really be serious about this?" Natasha implores, her gaze darting desperately between them. "Wow," she scoffs, her tone laced with mockery. "If this is the new Shield then, count me out. You both should know better." With nothing more to say, Natasha leaves, allowing the door to slam with a resolute thud.

Natasha knows she's being petty, that they're only doing what they think is best, but after everything she's recently seen with the Widows, Natasha knows better than anyone just how important it is for everyone to always have a choice about what happens to them, no matter their age.

Natasha only walks through a few corridors before Maria catches up with her, fresh concern etched across her features.

"Hey," Maria reaches out, placing a hand on Natasha's shoulder, but it's swiftly shrugged off. "I understand your concern, but let us handle this. If she leaves that chamber, she could seriously harm herself."

"Why has no one considered that maybe her lack of control stems from fear? She doesn't feel safe here, and frankly, I can't blame her."

"Nat, don't approach it like this."

"Approach it like what?"

"Acting as though you're the only one who cares and knows what needs to be done. Whether you like it or not, we're on the same team here, and you can't simply take over because you disagree. This isn't like the Avengers, where you can flout protocol without consequences just because you think you know better." Natasha laughs, though it carries a tangible edge of irritation.

"Do you really think I'm oblivious to the consequences of my actions?" She pauses, shifting to meet Maria's gaze squarely.

"You know I didn't mean it that way."

"Then how did you mean it?" Natasha inhales deeply, mindful not to let herself become too emotional about this. "I know all too well about consequences, Maria. But rest assured, I can't stand by and let that little girl suffer just because all of you are afraid. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about tracking down the individuals who did this to her."

"What do you think I've been doing all this time?" An awkward silence lingers; both women want to say more, yet they're unsure how to.

"Don't let your past cloud your judgement on this." Natasha looks up, loathing that, in part, Maria is right.

"That doesn't mean I'm wrong." With that, Natasha strides away, her head held high and focused on what she has to do next. All Maria can do is watch, wishing there was more she could say.

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