7: The Safe House

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By the time they pull up to the safe house, Juniper is fast asleep, her small frame curled up in the passenger seat. Natasha looks at the safe house, the only house for miles surrounded by vast open fields. Natasha's eyes sweep over the area, her senses alert despite the stillness that hangs heavy in the air.

As Juniper stirs, Natasha gazes at her, concern and fondness in her eyes. As much as she doesn't want to disturb her, duty calls.

Placing a gentle hand on Juniper's cheek, Natasha whispers, making sure to keep her voice low. "Time to wake up sweetheart." Juniper blinks, momentarily disoriented as she adjusts to her surroundings. As soon as she opens her eyes, clear panic sets in. She starts fidgeting in her seat, her eyes darting between Natasha and the dark outside world, the car starting to gently rattle at Juniper's obvious unease. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Look at me," Natasha's eyes don't leave Juniper's. "You're out of there, you're safe." As much as she wants to, Natasha is careful not to end her sentence with a promise.

"Safe?" Taking a deep breath, Juniper nods as the car stops shaking, something in her slowly remembering that she can trust Natasha.

"Time to go inside," Natasha murmurs. Juniper unbuckles her seatbelt and obediently gets out, her hand instinctively reaching for Natasha's when they're both out of the car. Together, they make their way towards the house.

As they approach the door, Natasha frowns, unease rippling through her at the sight of the front door being partially open. Instinctively, she positions herself in front of Juniper. Letting go of the girl's hand, Natasha's reaches for the concealed gun holstered at her side.

"Stay behind me," Natasha whispers, her voice low. Stepping inside, Natasha's eyes dart around the dimly lit surroundings, raising her gun when a lamp suddenly flickers on, illuminating the entrance.

Sitting before her, with an all-too-familiar smirk on her face, is Maria Hill. "Jesus Maria," Natasha exhales, putting her gun away as she closes the front door and walks further into the room, Juniper sticks tightly to her side. "Waiting for me in the dark, classy," she remarks dryly, her voice laced with relief and annoyance. Maria stands up and steps forward, her eyes briefly flickering towards a timid Juniper before returning to Natasha's fixed gaze.

Maria offers a half-hearted shrug, folding her arms. "What can I say, I couldn't resist a dramatic entrance," she retorts, her tone teasing. "Besides, someone had to make sure you got here safely." Natasha rolls her eyes, her frustration mingling with a lingering hint of gratitude, before she turns back to Juniper.

"Come on little one, let's get you to bed." Ignoring Maria's presence, Natasha takes Juniper to the first bedroom she sees. Carefully, she eases the tired girl onto the bed, tucking the blankets around her small form. "I need to go talk to Maria, you going to be okay?" Although a little hesitant, Juniper nods, already feeling her eyes grow heavy. Natasha smiles, placing a kiss on her head. "Sleep tight, I'll be right out there if you need me." Satisfied that Juniper will soon be sleeping, Natasha closes the door softly, turning her attention back to Maria.

"Why are you here, Maria?"

Maria lets out a heavy sigh, her expression tinged with weariness. She meets Natasha's gaze, her voice steady. "Whether you believe it or not, I'm here as a friend. I didn't like what they were doing to her either, I was just a lot less vocal about it than you." They laugh at that very obvious fact as Maria moves back onto the sofa. Natasha remains standing, folding her arms. "Also,' Maria sighs, getting herself comfy. "You didn't think you were being secretive about your little break out plan did you? From one of our best agents it was really sloppy work." Natasha rolls her eyes but can't help but laugh again.

"Maybe I wasn't being sloppy, maybe I just wanted to get your attention." Maria raises an eyebrow, giving Natasha a knowing look. "Honestly, I don't care that Fury knows we're here. I got her out as it was the right thing to do. She needs a home, somewhere she can feel safe while she learns to control what she can do. She wasn't getting that stuck in that chamber."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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