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"You speak sign." Yes, idiot, he obviously does. Who's on brain duty? Apparently no one. Fudge this shite I'm out.

But before I could even so much as move my left toe, Soobin already nodded enthusiastically and gestured at the rest of the rainbow table. "They do too. I made them learn it. Well, technically my sister did. Her charms are irresistable, the guys had no chance." He flashed me an adorable bunny smile and urged me to sit down next to the purple haired guy. Still in shock, I just let it happen.

"Hi! I'm Huening Kai, but you can call me Hyuka or just Kai! I'm the youngest here! I hope we can become good friends!" the blonde suddenly started to sign enthusiastically. I could basically see the exclamation points after each sentence. "Hi Kai. I'm Jeonghan. It's nice to meet you" I replied slightly overwhelmed. Before the poor guy could add anything, he was impetiously pushed aside and back down on his chair. I don't know how he didn't fall off it. The whole thing was shaking and standing on only two feets for a couple of seconds!

"Now me, now me! Hello, hello, hello, helloooo!" the person next to me started to sign. "I am Beomgyu! I am the most handsome one here!! Aish, don't hit me!" The purple haired guy, Beomgyu as I now knew, rubbed the back of his head sulkily and crossed his arms in a huff. He probably intended to look intimidating, but I nearly had to coo at how adorable he was. Nevertheless I directed my attention to the pink haired guy, who had just slapped his friend.

"Don't be a pabo. You are definitely NOT the most handsomest guy here! We all know that's me." He grinned with smug satisfaction. "Hey Jeonghan, my names is Yeonjun. I apologise for this idiot child here," he slapped Beomgyu again as he was grimacing and sticking his tongue out at him, "but he's just not that far along in his mental development and desperately needs glasses. Handsomest person... Pfff." He leaned back in his seat and placed an arm around Soobin's waist, who was still standing next to his chair and Soobin in turn absently ruffled Yeonjun's hair.

This small, yet very cute, interaction reminded me off the conversation I had had with Wonwoo, about three of the rainbow table members being in a happy relationship and two being the greatest delulus to ever walk earth. I wonder what pairings he was talking about because honestly, they all held so much potential.

Before I was able to think more on that, the last person introduced themselves . Their signs were much calmer than the ones of the other three. "Hey. My names is Taehyun. Some call me Terry because there are way to many Tae people around at the moment. So feel free to use whatever name works best for you. And I hope you don't mind, but I go by they/them pronouns only. So it would be great if you could use them." I nodded and smiled what I hoped to look like a sure-thing-why-would-I-mind-smile at the red head, because what else was I supposed to do? To be honest, I would have been surpised if they would only use he/him pronouns. In many cases you cannot see what kind of pronouns people prefer, but sometimes you just KNOW it is more than just he/him or she/her. You just get a feeling. Especially when you yourself use more than one pronoun or a different pronoun than your sex or when you have friends who use different pronouns. So yeah, Taehyun's whole appearance basically seemed to scream "not cis".

A hand on my shoulder shifted my attention back to Soobin. "Now that everyone has introduced themselves, I need to share Jeonghan's brilliant idea with you!"
Although he had signed "I" he now looked expectantly at me. Oh well, embarrassement here I come. "So, I've been to this café a couple of days ago and noticed you because of your hair colours. And I mayhaps named your guys table the rainbow table? It just seemed to fit." Fidgeting with my fingers I glanced at the guys in front of me. Their faces held looks of total bafflement. Then Beomgyu's mouth slowly opened and his eyes got as big as millwheels until he finally started clapping his hands frantically and saying, or probably shouting, something that I couldn't make out at all.

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