[18] | [Hawthorne]

7 2 13

The bullet was shot straight into Ebony's torso.

Its impact alone staggered him as he fell back down in pain. He immediately clutched his chest as his breathing intensified and worsened in ragged and shallow strokes. "Fuck! Why'd I have to choose my gold suit today of all fuckin' days?!"

Meanwhile, Trin was shoved to the ground as Nova collapsed over her. The gun was dropped during the tussle, and the trained agent was more than capable of retrieving it back. But the ginger scientist wasn't going to make it easy.

Nova wasn't familiar with combat. The only fights she's ever gotten into were minor exchanges between idiots in college. For her to defeat a master and lethal assassin in a brawl was next to impossible.

All she could do was pin the agent to the ground, keeping her down for as long as she could. However, that didn't last long. Trin was far too strong, easily pushing her opponent off and scrambling for the gun.

The second her hands grasped the weapon, she stabilized herself and stood back up on her own two feet. She's not going to hesitate, she's going to pull the trigger instantly and execute the scientist before she causes anymore trouble.

Unfortunately for her, it seemed it was never that simple. Ebony had already found the strength to take a swing at her after enduring his bullet wound. But his attack never landed. Despite taking her by surprise, Trin's reaction time was inhuman, allowing her to duck and avoid the hook to the face. She counterattacked by pistol whipping her weapon towards him, chipping at his nose and pushing him back again.

Even after all that, Trin was still faced with a dilemma as she felt herself tumbling backwards. Nova had kicked her in the legs, causing the agent to temporarily lose her balance and fall against the edge of a table that struck directly against the center of her spine.

Trin would have still managed to shoot her in the face after that petty resistance if it weren't for Nova already throwing whatever she could get her hands on. She had quickly gotten up to her knees, chucking a pen, a small bag and even a glass plate at her assailant.

The last item thrown was deflected as Trin swiped her gun and bashed the glass plate aside. She never even realized that the whole point of it was to serve as a distraction. Trin barely had a second to react when she saw Ebony once again charging towards her at full speed.

Another bullet was fired, although this one was a misfire after getting heavily tackled. The round was shot into the ceiling. As for Trin, she had once again dropped her gun as she got pinned even harder against the table, almost on the verge of breaking it in half.

Ebony held her neck with one hand, while his other hand had formed a fist. Then came the pounding. Punch after punch, he didn't cease his relentless assault, not even when he could see some blood appear on both his knuckles and the agent's face.

"These hands rated E for everybody, bitch!"

Nova was already on her feet again, looking for anything she could use to assist Ebony with. That's when her eyes darted towards the gun on the floor. This fight needed to end, and if it meant putting a bullet into the agent's head, then so be it.

As for Trin, this was not how she expected the fight to turn out. Ebony wasn't giving her a break, she could barely breathe at this point. Her attempts at stopping his attacks were weakening. She needed to escape out of his grip ASAP, that was until from the corner of her eye, she could see the other scientist in the room reach for her dropped gun.

Attaining the gun was far more difficult than Nova could have imagined however. She tried bending over to grab it, believing Trin was too preoccupied to stop her. But the agent had already extended a foot over, kicking Nova directly in the head once she was low enough even while being pinned by Ebony.

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