Feel Your Feelings

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Kate truly had full intentions of talking to Yelena after the scene in the graveyard but when they finally made it back to her apartment for the wake, the brunette decided to consume half a bottle of tequila getting too drunk too fast. She couldn't recall anything after forcing everybody to do a round of shots in honor of Carol and the self-proclaimed greatest slap outside of professional wrestling. At some point, the bottle of tequila was taken from her and she was neatly tucked into Yelena's bed. The blinding headache tore her from her sleep the next morning followed by a wave of nausea. She was determined not to throw up in someone else's house. It took her a minute to remember where she was when she saw a note on the nightstand accompanied by a bottle of pain medication, a few nausea pills and two bottles of water. She picked up the note first. It read:

Kate Bishop,
I am sorry I can not be there when you wake. My oncall rounds started early this morning. I have a feeling you will be in some pain when you wake. Take the pills and drink all of that water. I want a picture of the empty bottles. I am also sorry I didn't take that tequila from you earlier but I feel like you needed to be numb. I get that. Please, stay as long as you want. Lucky is welcome to stay as long as you need. I'll be home in four days. Wanda and Natasha should be around if you do not wish to be alone. I am asking you to not do anything rash until we have a chance to really talk. Please.

Kate's head hit the pillow, "so much tequila." She was grateful that her girlfriend had access to the good medication as she reached over grabbing the nausea pills first. They were the quick acting kind that dissolved under her tongue so she gave them a few moments to kick in before attempting to sit up. After being certain the nausea wouldn't come, she took the pain pills and drank as much of the first bottle as she could manage. She snapped a picture of the water and sent it to her girlfriend with the message, "missed you this morning."

"Shower," she said after getting a glimpse of her face in the mirror. "I definitely need a shower." She heard someone out in the kitchen and she had a feeling it was Natasha waiting for her with another lecture. If that was the case she had to check in and make sure she didn't say anything stupid.

Kate(10:20am): hey I think you might be oncall but you are probably less prone to rules as Yelena. I have a question.

Cassie(10:24am): don't tell her I'm texting. Can't believe you are functioning at a decent hour with a body half full of tequila. What's the question?

Kate didn't know how to interpret that response. The tone came off harsh and a little less than Cassie's normal amount of friendliness. She was working so Kate thought maybe she was just bothering her.

Kate(10:30am): I don't want to bother you. We can talk later.

She was about to ditch her phone to go get a shower when the screen lit up with an incoming call from Cassie, "hello?"

"Hey. Are you okay?"

Kate was instantly relieved to hear the normal cheerful voice of her friend. She totally misread the tone of the text, "yeah. I misread your tone. I guess I'm just on edge after everything."

"I snuck into a patient's room to call you. Don't worry. Coma patient. What was your question?"

Kate really did appreciate Cassie. She was turning out to be a cool friend to have, "did I say or do anything incriminating last night? It's just that I think Natasha is out there and I don't want to face another lecture." She heard Cassie chuckling, "what did I say?"

"Aside from the 15 or so times you announced how hot your girlfriend is... I don't think it's anything you said. Though," Kate could hear her smirk through the phone. "This was the first wake I attended where the mourning party insisted everybody play charades and then again the mourning party kept reenacting her slap from the graveyard."

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