A Russian Weighted Blanket

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Yelena pushed her chair back, standing to walk over to her girlfriend who also had pushed away from the table. She leaned down until her lips brushed Kate's ear, "take me to bed, Детка."

Kate was sure that all of her senses stopped working simultaneously and that she was no longer functioning as an alive and well person. "What?" She waited a minute for the blonde to respond but she only repeated her previous demand causing every pulse in her body to travel south. "I thought," her breath caught in her throat when Yelena slid into her lap, nipping at her earlobe.

"Hmm? What did you think, Kate Bishop," her accent even stronger as the words went straight to Kate's core.

"Distracting," she felt Yelena chuckle against the hinge of her jaw. "I thought you wanted to talk."

Yelena was leaving open mouth kisses along her jawline, "talking is so boring, isn't it?" Yelena continued her path of kisses while Kate tried to regain some semblance of how to use the English language. Her hands found themselves drawn to the blonde's thighs, her grip tightening when she found a particularly sensitive spot on Kate's neck. "So boring," Yelena chuckled at the groan Kate let out when she rocked her hips down slightly.

"Yes," Kate nodded enthusiastically, "but your note... wanted to talk..."

Yelena pulled back just enough so she could rest her forehead against Kate's, "do you not wish to have sex with me, Kate Bishop?"

"Oh I wish it," she looked into Yelena's deep forest green eyes.

"I want you," she simply stated, "and I want to show you how much I appreciate your thank you."

Kate was trying her best to see if there was any sort of hesitation in the other woman's eyes. When she found none, she felt herself nodding again, "talking is so boring."

Yelena let their lips barely touch, smirking into a soft kiss, "take me to bed, Детка."

Kate's brain had clearly short circuited but her body was making the moves for her as she pushed herself to her feet, the blonde wrapping her legs around her waist. "You are quite sturdy aren't you?"

Yelena chuckled, "small but compact," she started her assault on Kate's neck as the brunette carried her to the stairs. She was determined to carry her all the way up to her bedroom. The blonde's strong thighs weren't budging so Kate knew the woman was safe in her arms. Yelena stopped her kissing when they reached the top of the stairs. "When I said, take me to bed, I did not mean carry me to your bedroom." She smirked at her girlfriend, a sparkle of challenge in her green eyes. "Always a show off. Time to put those big muscles and that mouth to use, Kate Bishop."

Kate laughed, throwing the blonde down onto her mattress landing with a little bounce, "I'm a full service lesbian of course I was carrying you. You said take me to bed and I take most things at face value before I completely overthink everything," she reached down and started unbuttoning her dress shirt. "This is okay?" She asked while pushing her shirt off of her shoulders, it falling forgotten to the floor.

Yelena's smirk had been a permanent fixture since they started making out. She sat up on the edge of the bed, "the overthinking has started. Right on time." She reached out, grabbing Kate's hips and pulling her between her open legs. "There is nothing to think about right now except everything I'm planning to do to you in the next couple of hours."

"Hours?" Kate's tongue came out to wet her bottom lip thinking of all the possibilities.

"Hours," she ran thumb in a small circle around Kate's belly button.

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