Chapter 1

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Walking through the busy halls of Hatchetfield High can be a little overwhelming. The sounds of teens talking and laughing echo throughout the halls, along with the sound of slamming lockers.

Groups of people are weaving in and out one other trying to get where they're going. While the freshman walk through the halls with a panicked look on their faces, trying to get to their classes safely. Or without getting lost.

Amongst all the panic a girl with brown hair weaves her way through the crowd, while looking at her feet. She's trying to get to her English class however as she rounds the corner she slams face first into someone's back.

She looks up fear present on her on face. Her face tilts upwards her eyes a meet boy, no doubt the same age as her. He's wearing a letterman jacket and some jeans and is peering down at her... with a smile

" Sup I'm Max Jagerman, who are you?" The boy says his smile lessening and no longer showing his teeth. " Oh um I'm Claire... uh Stein" the girl replied also showing a smile.


That happened three years ago. Both of the teens are now 18 and in their senior year. It's safe to say that things have changed with the both of them.

Max now looms over everyone with a glare, threatening to beat up anyone who crosses his path. While Claire no longer keeps in her shell and is in fact quite popular

The two are also dating, though Claire is starting to second guess her decision. They had gotten together at the beginning of their sophomore year, when Max... well when Max wasn't an ass hole to everyone. Since then he's just gotten more rude and territorial, and Claire wasn't a fan of it.

It had started to get worse when he became the star of the football. Let alone with their "big game" coming up.

Claire was at her locker her putting her books up for the day, as she closed a friendly face was on the other side. "So you break up with him yet?" Stephanie looked at me with a smirk on her face.

" No not yet, I mean I really want to I just can't." Claire looks at her friend with a look almost as if she's giving on the idea in the first place. "Claire just do it ok. I mean it's Max he's a douche bag, he does worse than this all the time" Steph shoved her shoulder a little while rolling her eyes.

Claire was going to respond when she felt arms snake around her waist and turn her around. "Hi" she says with an awkward smile as she's met with the face of her boyfriend.

Max bends down giving her a kiss "sup babe. You ready for our date tonight" Claire felt her eyes widen a little as she remembered. The plan originally to break up with Max before today, and here they were still together.

"Oh um I can't do tonight actually, something came up." Claire smiles a little as she sees anger build in Max's face. " And you know what I should probably go, I'm giving someone a ride home so don't want to keep them waiting."

At that Claire wiggled her way out of Max's arms and swiftly walked away to her car. In the parking lot she sees her brother waiting for her. Not just any brother her twin Peter.

Basically freshman year Claire had decided that she would fit in better with the last name Stein. So whenever someone asked, she said Stein, instead of Spankoffski.

Claire gave him a small wave and noticed his friend Richie standing next to him too. She sent him a wave as well.

The Spankoffski twins and Richie had been next door neighbors since they were seven. Claire and Richie used to be very close, but drifted apart once high school had started. And things were never brought back to the way they were.

Claire unlocks her car, putting her bag in the backseat and sitting the drivers seat. She turns her Taylor Swift playlist on shuffle while she waits for Peter to get into the car.

Hearing the car door next to her open she looks over and is shocked to find that it was Richie getting into the front seat, not Peter.

" I told him you could drive him home." Peter says from the backseat he had plopped into.

"Oh yeah for sure." Claire responded as she backed out of her parking spot.

An awkward tension fills the air between the three. While Peter and Richie remained friends, him and Claire had rarely spoken in three years. So every interaction just got more and more awkward.

After about ten minutes in the car they pulled up into the driveway of the Spankoffski's home. Claire quickly grabbed her bag and got out of the car. Walking towards the house and locking the car once she heard all of the doors close.

The two boys watch she walks into the house, almost slamming the door once she's inside. They look at each other and then Richie begins to walk next door to his house.

His head hanging low as he walks in the house next door. Richie has always had a small crush on the Spankoffski girl, so when they fell apart it hurt him a lot.

Richie walked through his front door and walked into his room. Turning on Attack On Titan in hopes to get that interaction out his mind.

Claire is inside watching T.V as well except she's watching Tangled. A comfort movie for her, as well as one that she and Richie would watch often as kids.

That awkward interaction played in the minds of these two teens late into the night. Both of them tossing and turning in their bed.

Richie then saw his phone screen light up. When he grabbed it he saw a text from Claire saying

"I'm sorry"

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