𝑿𝑳𝑰𝑰𝑰 - 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐 𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆

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「𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗」

After we ended the Uno game, some of us went back to our rooms.

« Wanna play another game? » Swiss proposed.

« Hell no, I'm out. » Sodo said, leaving the room.

« Yeah, no, don't count on me for that. » Aether said.

Swiss looked at me and Cirrus.

« No thanks! » We said before leaving the room as well.

I went upstairs to go to my room. I decided to look through my bookshelf for a book to read. I found one that interested me. It was a horror and adventure book. I sat in my bed and I started to read the book. I didn't even notice the time go by, I was so concentrated on reading the book that I finished it already. It was almost 7 PM. I put the book back on the bookshelf and grabbed my phone to text Sodo as I was too lazy to go to his room to talk to him.

- Now texting: Sodo ❤️ -

Me: Heyy!

Sodo: Hi

Me: How r u?

Sodo: Meh

Me: What's happening?

Sodo: Ur not sitting next to me 😪
Sodo: I miss youuuu

Me: You saw me earlier 😭

Sodo: Yeah, but that was 4 hours ago

Me: 🤦‍♀️
Me: I'm coming

Sodo: Ha! I win 😙

I playfully rolled my eyes before closing my phone and putting it on my nightstand. I headed downstairs. He was either in the living room or in his room. I took a quick look in the living room, but only Rain and Sunshine were there, so he was in his room. I headed downstairs, again, and walked toward his room. I knocked on the door.

« Come in. » I heard him say.

I opened the door, and he was sitting on the edge of his bed, texting someone. He looked up from his phone and saw me, so he put his phone down on the nightstand next to his bed.

« You missed me? » I asked, giggling as I sat down next to him.

« Hmmm, maybe? » He said. « You sound like an angel when you laugh. » He continued.

« Aww. » I said, smiling, before kissing him on the cheek.

« That ain't my mouth. » He said.

« Nice try, pretty boy. » I said, chuckling.

« Wanna play Mario Kart? » He asked, smiling under his mask as he stood up.

« Of course! » I said.

He looked around his room for the controller of the TV. Ah yes, because he had a TV in his room as if we didn't have enough TVs yet. He found the controller and turned the TV on before going to turn on the Nintendo Switch as well. He gave me the red controller while he took the blue one.

« You know how to play, right? » He asked, just to make sure.

I nodded. We were both sitting on the ground, leaning against his bed because he didn't have anywhere to sit that was in front of the TV. Okay, except for his bed, but I guess we were comfortable on the ground... for some reason. For his character, he chose Dry Bones while I picked Baby Peach. We played against bots that Sodo decided to put in hard mode because he liked challenges.

« Wanna choose the first race? » He asked.

« Yeah, why not. » I said.

I chose the first race, and as the countdown was starting, I scooted closer to Sodo. I ended up in 1st place while Sodo had 5th.

« You picked your favorite one, didn't you? » He asked as he laughed a bit.

« Nooo? » I sarcastically said as I playfully rolled my eyes.

« Tss! Get over here! » He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

We both laughed before Sodo chose another race. He probably chose his favorite on purpose since I had picked my favorite. It was such a close one, I almost beat him, but I ended 2nd while he got 1st. He had a victorious smile on his face.

We played 2 other races, Sodo got 6th and 2nd place while I got 3rd and 9th. I wanted to choose another one but Sodo's phone started ringing.

« Why is he calling me? » He said as he saw Aether's name on the screen. « Hey. » He said as he answered the call.

« Yeah, sure, let me just ask Neptune if she wants to. » He said before looking at me.

« We're gonna watch a movie. Do you wanna come? » Sodo asked.

« Of course! »I answered with a smile on my face.

« Alright, we'll be there in a minute. » He said before hanging up.

We both walked to the home theater room, and I took a seat next to the ghoulettes.

« What took you so long? » Cirrus asked in a joking tone.

« We're you with Sodo, in HIS room, ALONE? » Sunshine asked, smirking.

« Yeah, is there a problem with that? » I asked, laughing a bit.

« What were you two doing? » Cirrus and Sunshine asked at the same time.

« We were playing Mario Kart! Don't tell me you thought we did... that. » I said.

« Well, we wouldn't be surprised. Just look at how Sodo acts. » Cumulus said as we started laughing.

« Ugh, seriously? » I jokingly said. « I would never. » I added.

« Never say never, dear~ » Sunshine said.

« Stop that! » I exclaimed.

The four of us were laughing and didn't even notice that Mountain had started the movie. We noticed only when Swiss told us to shut up. What a gentleman, I'm joking, obviously. It was 9 PM when the movie ended, I decided to stay with the Ghoulettes because we didn't finish our conversation as we got interrupted by Swiss. We went into Cumulus' room to talk.

I ended up going back to my room at 11 PM and falling asleep at 1 AM.


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