chapter 1

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Disclaimer this story was supposed to come out on October 31 but do to complications wouldn't publish.

Beacon academy
Third pov

Ruby: I'm bored.

Weiss:  Must you need to be entertained every couple of minutes? Honestly you sound like a small child or Nora.

Yang: Lighten up Weiss-cream you gotta admit it's been kinda slow today.

Blake: Yeah I gotta agree even with the dance last week, the mission to mount Glenn, and the vytal festival in a few days it has been kinda dull lately.

Weiss: Then instead of complaining why don't you do something productive to better are chances at the vytal festival.

Yang: Come on Weiss we're already awesome let's do something fun and go out with a Yang!

Rwb_: *grown*

Ruby: I just something exciting to happen.

*A red spiraling vortex opens right under their feet and begins to suck them in*

Yang: Something like this!!

Ruby: No not exactly!

Weiss: knock it off and hold on to something.

Blake: Easier said then done.

Rwby: Ahhhh-................

Ozpins office

Ozpin: Now on to any final presentations to the vytal festival.

Ironwood: I have my soilders on security and fleets on standby.

Glynda: James you always flaunt your military?

Qrow: *snicker* Over compensating is more like it.

Winter: Must you continue to show disrespect to the general you drunk.

Glynda: He's always drunk.

*Red spiraling vortex opens right under them sucking them in*

Winter: Aaahh!!

Ironwood: Specialist-Winter!! Grab my hand.

*Winter grabs his hand*

Ironwood: *being pulled in* I'm being pulled in too.

Qrow: *stabs harbinger into floor* James hold on!!

*Ironwood grabs Qrow, harbinger stars being pulled out of ground*

Qrow: A little help would be nice!

Ozpin: Glynda use your Semblance!

Glynda: I am it's to strong- I can't hold on much longer either.

Ironwood: Ozpin is this her!!!!!

Ozpin:  No this is something different!!

*Ozpin uses magic to grab everyone*

Ozpin: It's no use!!

Ozpin's group: aaahh!!!!

Unknown location



Ruby: Owie.

Weiss: Get off me you dolt.

Yang: Who's on my hair?!

Blake: Can whoever it is get off my bow?

Ozpin: My apologies, Ms belladonna.

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