chapter 2

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Disclaimer 5 images in this chapter Don't belong the official pic from show, penny fan art, stuff animals pic, a gif, and a pic from cartoon don't belong to me the rest do.

Summer: Ruby? Yang?

Yang: Mom?!

Ruby: Mommy!!

Ruby/yang: *hugs summer crying*

Raven: *looking down*

Tai/qrow: *In shock*

Summer: It's ok my little rose and beautiful sunflower it's ok mommy is here with you and she will never leave you again.

Ozpin: !!!! You-you brought back Summer rose!!

Salem: ................

Leone: Yes I did, I am not bound by such "rules" as your brother "gods" some worlds death is sometimes an inconvenience.

Kali: How sweet.

Penny: I'm so happy for Ruby.

Maria: Well I'll be-looks like another silver eyed warrior is back.

Leone: Oh yeah!*snaps fingers*

Maria: *eyes restored* *young again* What my eyes!! My voice!!! I'm-I'm young again.

Maria: *eyes restored* *young again* What my eyes!! My voice!!! I'm-I'm young again

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Leone: Yup I thought why have two silver eyes when you can have three.

Maria: Thank you. *Crying* I'm actually crying real tears I'm so happy.

Leone: Well I guess some introductions are in order ladies, gentlemen, *looks at Salem's group* hag, psycho, flaming turd, peg legs, street rat, eyeliner, mute dwarf, narcissistic idiot, and siscon.

Salem's group: 💢💢💢💢

Leone: Oh please like you can all do anything anyway everyone may I introduce the newly restored Maria Calavera the grimm reaper.

Nora: Who?

Coco: Is she famous, Got any brand named after her?

Velvet: Not everything has to do with fashion Coco!

Qrow: Wait you were the Grimm reaper, you were my idol!

Ruby: you know her uncle qrow?

Qrow: She was one of the greatest Huntsmen ever when I was young I wanted to be as good as the Grimm reaper I modeled my weapon after yours.

Summer: Wow I heard of you too Qrow used to gush about how cool you were and how he was your biggest fan.

Raven: So this formerly wrinkled up potato sack is the one my brother wouldn't shut up about?

Qrow: Raven!!!

Maria: Hey who are you calling old now? It's funny with a name like Raven that's some serious crows feet you got there.

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