Thanksgiving special

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Leone's winter lounge
Third pov

After a comical viewing everyone decided to return to the winter lounge as it was called by Saphron and decided to relax or discuss things with each other though Salem's group staying away from the others

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After a comical viewing everyone decided to return to the winter lounge as it was called by Saphron and decided to relax or discuss things with each other though Salem's group staying away from the others. Ruby and yang decided to talk with Summer, Saphron decided to talk to the rest of team jnpr and velvet about their relationship with Jaune. Oscar decided to help Terra with Adrian, Tai and Qrow were drinking, blake was next to her parents by the fire place, Penny was being taught of the limitations and rules of her human body by Pietro with Maria's help, Coco, yatsuhashi, and Fox were drinking hot chocolate, Weiss and winter were trying handle the situation of there mother and brother being with them and Ozpin's group and teachers were discussing their situation.

Ironwood: I don't know how I feel about this Ozpin.

Ozpin: I know James but unfortunately there is nothing we can do.

Ironwood: Are you sure we can trust him Ozpin.

Glynda: I agree Ozpin, while I do believe you are correct on us being unable to do anything I also must agree with James that we can't blindly trust this Leone creature.

Port: I dare say this entire situation we are all in is beyond fantastical.

Oolbeck: Indeed Though I for one am excited for what we can learn from these worlds.

Glynda: Of course you are Bart.

With Ruby and yang

Ruby: Oh mom I missed you so much.

Yang: Me too, Mom.

Summer: Oh I know girls. I missed you so much too but like Leone said mommy is here now and I'm never going to leave you again I promise.

Yang: *tearing up*

Ruby: * tearing up*

Summer: *tearing up* Oh it's ok girls *hugs Ruby and Yang* It's ok.

Yang: Mom.....*crying* Mom!

Ruby: *crying* Mommy!

With Blake

Blake: Mom dad I'm sorry about everything I should have listened to you and I-

Kali: Oh my little kitten it's alright your father and I told you we forgive you and that we love so very much Blake.

Ghira: That's right we love you so very much.

Blake: I love you guys too!*hugs her parents*

With Tai and Qrow

Tai: I can't believe it.

Qrow: Can't believe what? That we were summoned by basically an all powerful god, you finally saw Raven again, or Summer is back.

Tai: Kinda the last two.

Qrow: Unbelievable.

Tai: Look I know I wasn't the greatest dad after Summer's passing but I pulled through.

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