chapter 3

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With the holidays  party over and everyone having said goodbye to their new friends and Jaune once again leaving off with a clone of leone, team Rwby's friends, family, and enemies were once again in the theater Waiting for their next viewing.

Leone: Ok everyone time for a new viewing.

Ruby: Yay I can't wait to see what's next and all the possible weapons.

Weiss: Not everything has to do with weapons you dunce!

Yang: Chill out, Weiss let Ruby have some fun.

Weiss: Yes but fun is all we've been having we are supposed to be learning for watching these worlds.

Blake: I mean, Weiss is right but Leone did say not every world is going to be some big world shattering lesson.

Leone: That is true Blake, this world also isn't a lesson but it gives perspective on certain things like Jaune's tactical mind during a difficult and hostile situation.

Ozpin: It was one of the main reasons Mr Arc is in Beacon and is leader...Glynda!

Glynda: ................

Ironwood: Well this should be interesting.

Leone: Indeed, but first saphron could you please give Adrian to me please?

Saphron: What! Why?

Leone: Well this world isn't really suitable for a kid his age.

Terra: But you said that the goggles you gave him would censor things for him.

Leone: Yeah they should be for worlds that some parts should be censored not worlds were most of it should be censored.

Saphron/Terra: ..........ok. *gives Adrian*

Leone: Hey little man wanna spend time with Uncle Leone.

Adrian: Unca big kitty!

Leone: ....... Close enough. *Leaves*

A new leone walks into the theater.

Leone: Ok let's begin.

Tai: Wait maybe Ruby shouldn't watch this one.

Ruby: What!

Yang: Yeah, maybe she shouldn't.

Ruby: Oh come on!

Blake: seriously yang.

Weiss: Must you coddle her?

Maria: Surprised you haven't said the same thing for your girl.

Pietro: I would but, I can't protect her forever just like I won't be here forever.

Summer: He's right you two you can't protector for forever.

Qrow: That's the sad truth.

Coco: If she's able to kill a Grimm she can watch an R-rated movie.

Leone: These aren't movies, but you should listen to them the world's were Ruby has suffered the most are worlds were she's been sheltered the most.

Tai/yang: ..........

Ruby: come on guys I'm 15 not 5 I can handle it.

Roman: No the world is a big scary place best to make sures she's safe.

Cinder: Yes it would be a ashame if something happened to her, best to always keep her safe.

Leone: 💢 * snap's fingers*

Roman/Cinder: ........!!!!! *Silently screaming*

Tai: I guess you're all right.

Yang: yeah sorry sis.

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