Christmas special

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Winter lounge
Third pov

Leone: Ok everyone it's another holiday! Are you all ready?

Ruby/ Nora/Penny: Yay!!!!!!

Weiss: Another holiday, already?

Winter: Truly again? While I enjoyed the last holiday as everyone else. To have another so quickly.

Qrow: Speak for yourself.

Summer: You're the one who decided not to go Qrow.

Qrow: You don't have to keep reminding me.

Glynda: I agree, we just celebrated the last holiday a few.....well how long ago was the last holiday?

Leone: Well Thanksgiving was basically 4 weeks and 4 days ago.

Ozpin's group: What!!!

Rwby: what!!!!!!!!

Npr: what!!!!!

Cvfy: What: !!!!!!!!!

Salem's group: !!!!!!!

Ozpin: Leone are you saying we've been here for 4 weeks at the most.

Saphron: Adrian missed so many bed times.

Adrian: No bed time!

Leone: No of course you haven't been here for 4 week.

Ozpin: Oh good.

Weiss: Well that's a relief.

Glynda: Indeed.

Leone: You've been actually here for 7 weeks
And 5 Days.

Weiss/Glynda/winter: What?!?!

Weiss: We've been here for basically a month!

Glynda: How could you keep us here for almost a month the vytal festival is probably over and was probably in disarray!

Ironwood: That is true, and Oum only knows what the councils are doing with us gone.

Ozpin: I truly dread what they've done.

Cinder: Damnit my plans are ruined!

Ruby: Aww I wanted to show our team attacks and show how awesome team Rwby is.

Leone: Everyone calm down the vytal festival hasn't passed it hasn't even started I've stopped time in your world.

Oolbeck: Fascinating.

Weiss: But how have we been here for nearly a month if time was stopped?

Leone: Well firstly I only stopped time in your world, secondly there is no time here my home exists outside the the boundaries of space and time, and thirdly as a basically omnipotent being my viewing of the passage of time Is far different from yours.

Ruby/yang/Nora/qrow/Tai: huh?????????

Leone: ............ There is no time here you won't age, 1 minute is basically the same as a thousand years you won't be able to tell.

Ruby/yang/nora: Oooh.

Qrow/Tai: ok.

Weiss: I see.

Maria: I'm fine with not aging.

Leone: Ok but before we celebrate this new holiday, I have a new world to show you all.

Penny: Leone what holiday are going to celebrate that is connected to this viewing.

Leone: An excellent Penny well if any you remember the holiday doors this holiday is the decorated tree door better known as Christmas.

Ruby: Oh the pretty tree one.

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