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A/N HI GUYS! Welcome to Ash Neveah! Anyway, I only own Ash Neveah, my characters and storylines...Enjoy!

I step out of my car, getting odd looks from people passing by. I can't say I blame them - with my smudged mascara underneath my bloodshot eyes, my flushed tear-stained cheeks, and messy hair scraped pulled up into a hardly-there ponytail, I look a state. A literal state. A fresh wave of pain floods over me when I remember why I'm here in Hollyoaks village and it causes me to burst into tears all over again. A kind-looking woman blonde woman steps in front of me, accompanied by a youngish black-haired girl pushing a pram, a guy so tanned the shade must be tangerine and another man with light brown hair, cooing over the child in the pushchair.

'Ay, are you alright?' The blonde woman asks me. I shake my head and I'm surprised my so-tangled-it's-pointless ponytail doesn't fall out.

'Do anyone of you know John Paul McQueen by any chance,' I croak, my sobs finally ceased.

The brown-haired guy shifts uncomfortably and my face screws as I recognise him. 'Hang on...I know you...I've seen you in pictures...You're John Paul's husband,'
I help but grin despite the traumatic recent events. 'I know your's...Seph? Seth?' I jog my memory.

'Ste,' he corrects me. 'Do I know you?' he asks. Of course he doesn't recognise me. He only met me a few times and that was before he got married to John Paul.

'I know about the break-up,' I quickly add, ignoring he's question. I still can't help but smile a little bit. He frowns at me and I can't stop tears leaking from my eyes, feeling guilty for smiling when everything that's happening is going on.

'Are you that upset about them splitting?' The black-haired girl asks sarcastically with a dramatic roll of her carefully lined eyes.

'It's not that,' I say, wiping my eyes, leaving smudged mascara on the back of my trembling hand.

'Then what is it?' The walking orange guy asks impatiently.

'It's my cousin,' I whisper. 'She's been shot,'


Four very shocked faces stare right back at me.

'What's this cousin's name?' Ste asks steadily, clearly trying to keep the worry in his voice at a low rate.

'Phoebe McQueen,' I reply.

'So your John Paul's cousin?' Seth - I mean Ste - asks.

'Well, no, not techniqually, but we're like family,' I say.
'Oh yeah, I have met you...' he says.
His face changes from shock to worry to anger. Scrap that - damn right fury!

'Phoebe has been in hospital for nearly three weeks and only now you decide to make an appreance,' he fumes.

'I've been away!' I shoot back. I groan, one hand on my pounding forehead, realising what a pathetic excuse that sounds like.

'Oh, well that makes everything alright then,' he says.

'Mercedes only told me this week. I got the next flight!' I defend myself. 'Not that I have to explain myself to you,' I spit.

'Can we all just calm down?' the blonde woman asks calmy but firmly.

'Oh, Diane, I was enjoying the drama!' The orange guy whines.

'Scott,' the black-haired girl warns him off. The baby in the pram starts crying. The girl tries rocking the pram but the infant still screams.

'Sinead, just pick the baby up!' Ste shouts and she scolds him before taking the baby into her arms.

'Can somebody just tell me where the hospital is?' I beg.

'I'll take you,' the blonde says. 'Diane,' she introduces herself, a welcoming smile on her face. She points to the girl next to her. 'This is Sinead, my daughter, and her and Ste's baby Hannah, and this is Scott, Sinead's cousin,' Diane says. I hardly listen, let alone reply. I just want to reach Phoebe. Diane's phone rings and she answers with a sigh. After rolling her eyes she cuts off. 'Ste, there's been a fight at the Hutch,' she says. What the hell is the Hutch? 'I'll go and sort it,' he offers.

'No, I'll go. Can you show...' she trails off, waiting for my name.

'Ash,' I say.

'Can you show Ash where the hospital is please?'

'Diane, I really don't think that appropriate. I really don't want to see John Paul,'

'Ste!' Scott and Sinead scolds in union.

'Fine,' he huffs. 'Follow me,'

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