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Kim Butterfield. Really? That's who they've banged up for the murders. At least the know there are murders now.

Josh. I haven't spoken to Josh since I saw him kiss Mercedes. I haven't spoken to her either. Or many of the McQueens in that case expect John Paul from time to time. Porsche's left and Lockie's...well, God knows where Lockie is.
Kim Butterfield's been put in prison for the murders and Ste's gone off with Harry. I'm working under Lindsey Butterfield since Dr Savage died. Ziggy's died. There are new owners at the Dog. Oh, and biggest of them all...Robbie and Holly are together now. Yes, I know. Wrong.

'Ash!' I hear and I stumble across the village in triple black huaraches, grey tracksuit bottoms and a thick strapped vest top. Me and Leela went just to Price Slice to grab some food shopping. I'm tired and I have a shift later. Great.
'Ash!' I hear again. This time I turn around and am faced with Josh. Leelas already headed home so I'm alone with him. 'Hey,' he smiles.
'Yeah Josh?' I sigh.
'Look, you know the thing with Mercedes wasn't what it looked like, right?' He says.
'Then what was it?' I ask, eyebrows raised.
'She kissed me. I was...surprised. I was just so so surprised,' he says.
'I know,' I agree reluctantly. His been telling me this for moths now. I know his not lying - he couldn't. I know the look in his eyes.
'Plus me and you wasn't even technically together,' he adds.
'I know,' I repeat bluntly.
'Oh, by the way, I'm sure you already know but look at this,' he says, thrusting a newspaper with Kim Butterfield's face plastered over it.
'I know,' I say for a third time and push it back at him.
'You ever going to stop saying that?' He teases playfully.
'Shut up,' I giggle.
'Look, what you doing now?' He asks.
'Nothing,' I shrug.
'Well why don't we go back to yours. Have a coffee? Just for old time?' He suggests.
'Yeah,' I agree, after months of rejecting his offers. 'But I can't be long. Me and Tegan are meeting up later,' I say.
'Fine,' he says. 'That's fine,'

We get to mine within a minute or two and Josh looks around. 'Been a while since I've been here,' he laughs.
'Yeah,' I agree. 'Any leads on Tia yet?' I ask. Josh's sister has been missing for 7 months now since going on a club if holiday in Spain with some friends. She's only 18. Me and Josh are only 21, so it could of been anyone. But it had to be her.
'No,' Josh says. 'The private investigator is still...well, investigating,' he say.
'Oh, ok. Maybe we could start having the meeting with So I
Could be a part of them? I loved Tia, you know. She's was like a little sister to me,' I sigh with sadness.
'Yeah, that would be great!' He says a little too excitedly. 'I know you loved her,'
'Yeah, we all did. Look, this don't mean we're back together though, ok?'
'Yeah, I know Ash. You wouldn't take me back this easily,' he sighs.
'Got that right,' I laugh.
'Look, Ash...I'm sorry. About the Glove Handed Killer. I should of believed you and I'm so so sorry for not believing you,' he says.
'I know...Josh, I don't think you know
How hard things have been recently,' I say.
'What do you mean?'
'I'm close with Diane and Tony, I'm really really good friends with the Lovedays, and Tegan and Leela are good friends of mine -'
'Even though me and Tegan went in a date?' Josh questions.
'Yes,' I insist. 'Anyway, I just feel so lonely. They're friends but i don't have anyone more than just a friend anymore,'
'Like a boyfriend?' Josh asks.
'Boyfriend, family, nothing...' I sigh' but before I could finish my sentence his lips are on mine...

I wake up in my bed, with Josh next to me and a horrible feeling of regret.
'Josh,' I shake him awake. 'Josh!'
'Hmmm...' He mumbles as he wakes up. 'Ash...?' He says.
'Yeah, Josh get up. I'm meeting up with Tegan and I've got a lot to do -'
'But you've already done me,' he grins.
'Shut up! It's not funny and it should never of happened. I've got to get ready to go out so get dressed,' I moan.
'Whatever you say, baby,' Josh says, winding me up. He knows how much the word 'baby' will annoy because we are NOT back together.
I've got an hour to meet Tegan so I push my curly hair in front of my face and start going my make up. I put in tight dark blue jeans and a tight Lacey red vest top. I then put on high-top black high heel boots and and black leather jacket as well as selecting and black handbag.
'More colour than usual,' Josh nods. 'You're normally all black, white and blue,' he says and I pat my jeans, jacket and stick out one of my boots to prove I still have my usual colour scheme going on.
'I know, but you look...different,' he says.  'Beautiful,'
I go to respond but get a shooting heart pain. I wince.
'You ok?' He asks.
'Yeah, I just still get pains from the accident. I just need to take my meds,' I say, popping three pills and swallowing them dry.
'Eww,' Josh frowns. 'Why swallow them dry?'
'Can't be asked to get water,' I shrug.
'Ash, you're a doctor, you should know that's not healthy,' he tries to lecture me and I bust out laughing.
'Look, J,' I say, using his nickname. 'Whatever you do, don't take a course in medicine,' I advise.
'Yeah, because I'm too sexy to be a doctor,' he grins. 'Anyway, when you got another lecture at uni?' He asks.
'Tomorrow,' I respond and my phone vibrates.  A text from Lindsey.
I huff. Josh raised his eyebrows in question.
'Hospital's on a black alert. Gotta on in,' I sigh.
I quickly pull off my high heel boots and swap them for triple black huaraches.
'I'm off,' I say to Josh. 'See ya,' I say, walking out the door.
'Bye,' he says. 'Baby,'
'Don't call me that!' I yell and rush off out the door.

At the hospital the ward's going mad.
There's a lot of little cases, like broken bones and cuts that need stitches, though and I assign myself to them.
I pull open a cubicle curtain to find Freddie Roscoe behind it.
'Ahh, if it isn't Ash Nevaeh...' He says.
'Freddie,' I return, remembering our last encounter in which Freddie wound me up about Tia.
'So, you're gonna need stitches to our right arm, I hear,' I say, trying to focus on my job.
'Yep. How's Josh doing?' He asks.
'You should know. You work with him,' I grunt.
'I saw yous talking this morning. Anything important?' Freddie quizzes me.
'What's it to you?' I ask.
'Just curious,' he says.
I stitch his wound but we end up chatting and laughing the whole time despite Freddie's pain.
'Why don't we meet up tomorrow?' He asks.
'What's the catch?' I sigh.
'There is no catch!' He insists. 'Apart from...I get to buy you a drink?' He half asks half states.
'Yeah, go ahead. Why not?' I say.
'3 O'Clock?' He says. 'Have some lunch?'
'Sorry, I've got a uni lecture. How about 5?' I say.
'It's a deal. 5 it is. Tugboat then Dog?' Freddie offers.
'You're on,' I say and leave his cubicle after scribbling down my number on a piece of paper and giving it to him.

I get a shock as the next patient is wheeled in. When he grins up at me I roll my eyes.
'Josh Sawdon,' I sigh. 'Just couldn't leave me alone, could you?' I've known him long enough to make remarks like that and for him to not get offended.
'Sorry Ash, but for once it isn't about you. My arm. Think it might be broken,' he says and I walk him into a cubicle.
'Were mad busy J, so your wait for an X-Ray is going to take a while. Make yourself comfortable,' I say. 'I've got a two minute toilet break and then I'm back,' I say.
'Wait!' He says and I turn to face him.
'Couldn't get me a hot chocolate, could ya Ash?' He grins. I roll my eyes at him, shake my head and set out on my very brief break.
On my way I bump into Ste.
'You alright?' I ask. 'What you doing here?'
'Getting my HIV meds,' he tells me.
'Oh right. How you and Harry been?' I ask.
'Not great. We havent got anywhere to live. We've been sleeping under the stars.' He tells me.
'Why was you kicked out?'
'I...I...relapsed. Had a bad day and got myself some Coke,' he tells me.
'Oh, Ste...'
'It was an one off,' he assures me.
'Okay...Okay...' I say.
'Well, we might be kipping at Grace Black's tonight,' he says.
'Good luck,' I smile.
The rest of the night shift goes quickly and the next day I'm dressing for uni. I put on an electric blue button up shirt and tight black shirt with black high heel boots with a thick good chain necklace. I do my hair and make up and walk outside the flats to my car.
I see Freddie. 'Hey,' he says. 'Hope you're looking this good for our date tonight,' he winks and I smile and hurry past him.
On the way to uni Lindsey texts me again. She wants to back at work. That's weird. Why is she getting me to do all the overtime? Is she trying to keep an eye on me? I'll have a word with her soon.
I arrive at uni and go into my lecture. After it finishes, I walk through the halls, daydreaming. 
I look out the window. And I swear. I swear I saw her.

I swear I saw Tia.

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