Part 18 - Alfie's Over

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'We've already met,' Deshayne says smugly. I shake my head. No. No way can he tell Josh.
'We met at the loft last night. We went back to hers,' Deshayne grins.
'Shut up,' I blurt and he carries on grinning. I see Josh tense.
'Nothing happened, Josh, don't worry about it. But she's easy, you're girl...she invited me back to problem,'  Deshayne says.
'Josh, it wasn't like that. Please don't listen him. I saw you snogging some girl and...and well I just thought why not. He...he wanted to do drugs, not sleep with me. I said no, though I didn't do any drugs I swear,' I explain in a panic.
'She was up for doing it J, she just wimped out,' Deshayne carries on winding him up.
'No I wasn't Josh! It was all talk...I lying! Trying to make myself feel better!' I shout. 'I had no idea he was your cousin! How could I?!' I exclaim.
'I knew who you was though...Ashleigh. See, I heard about you making that little statement about my younger cousin, Tia. Just thought I'd suss you out...and your flat. You've came up clean though, I admit. Just a shame Josh has called for someone as willing as you...' Deshayne says. Rage flashes in J's types and he punches Deshayne.
'I never want to see you again,' Jish says to him, pinning him against the wall. Nathan Nightingale rises over to break it up.
'It's fine,' Deshayne says. 'I got what I wanted. I got to meet her and suss her out. Bye, Josh,' Deshayne says and walks away.
'What's going on?' Nathan asks and Josh shakes his head.
'I can't believe you, Ash,' he says sounding so disappointed. I was wrong.
He will care if I do drugs. 'You've changed so much,' he says and walks away.
I'm left feeling so ashamed and Nathan seems to notice it.
'Come on, to The Dog,' he says and steers me towards the pub. Inside's Rachel - me and her have become quite close friends recently.
'Hey,' I smile at her and she returns.

I end up spilling everything to her and Nathan.
'I didn't actually do the drugs! I wouldn't...I've just been feeling so low...I know that's not an excuse though,' I ramble.
'We all make mistakes Ash,' Rachel says. 'Treat this as an opportunity to learn. Never do the same thing again,' she says.
'I won't,' I vowel.
'Good! Now, me and Nathan are leaving for South America later today so come help me pick which bikini to take!' She says and we hurry off upstairs in a giggle.
Upstairs I bump into Ellie and Freddie.
'Hi,' I smile, reminding myself me and Freddie set our differences aside yesterday.
'Hungover?' He asks.
'Not as such,' I shrug.
'Find that hard to believe,' he says with an eye roll and I frown.
'I don't really get hungover,' I say casually.
'Really? Well maybe that's down to you not drinking and doing whatever drugs that weird guy you was with instead,' he says. The heat of the embarrassment feels like a slap across the face.
'I don't do drugs,' I mutter and I walk into Rachel and Nathan's bedroom, not
able to bare the awkwardness. I hear Rachel lecturing him in my absence. I'm grateful.
Rachel joins me a couple of minutes later and we do as she said and got through her bikinis and find a good one. Once that's done, Freddie and Ellie have gone out so we chill I the living room. Alfie walks in.
'Hey, Alf,' I say and smile. He smiles back but I can see through it.
'What's the matter?' I ask worriedly.
'Has Rach not told you?' He questions.
'Alfie...' Rachel says, warning him he doesn't have to explain.
'No, it's fine,' he sighs. 'My cancer's back,' he admits.
'Oh, Alf...' I say, unsure of what to say to a young boy fighting a life-threatening illness.
'I'm fine,' he insists. 'I've got chemo,'
'When's your first session?' I ask.
'Tomorrow,' Rachel answers for him.
'Tomorrow? Lucky for you, I'm working,' I tease.
'Lucky?' He winds me up.
'Hey! There's patients dying to-' I start but suddenly stop, realising I used the word 'dying'. Well done, Ash. Well done. I wince at my own mistake.
'It's fine, Ash, don't worry,' Alfie says. 'Look, Rach and Nathan are heading off to South America tonight so why don't you come over and we can watch a movie? To make up for it?' He says.
'I hope you're not trying to ask Ash on a date,' Rachel warns him, half joking.
'Of course not. She's been a bit of a big sis to me when she's been at chemo with Jade and hanging out with you,' Alfie explains.
'You sure your dads going to be cool with you hanging out with a twenty-one year old?' I check.
'I'll talk to him,' he says.
'So will I,' Rachel says.
'Oh, one more thing Ash...Can we hang out at yours?' He asks.
'Alfie!' Rachel exclaims.
'What? I just want a break from home,' Alfie says. I sigh.
'Ask your dad, it depends what he says,' I insist.
'If he says yes...Can we get pizza?' He asks.
'Pizza? Of course! But just to warn you, don't moan if I start putting on the pounds because I had pizza last night...No, the night before...' I say, thinking back.
'Even if you did have pizza last night, sounds like you would of sicked it all up anyway,' Rachel teases.
'Why? You been ill?' Alfie asks, oblivious to Rachel referring to my night full of drinking.
'Heavy night,' I tell Alfie, my eyebrows raised.
''s ok. We run a pub - I'm used to it,' Alfie tells me.
'But I'm not! I mean, I'll have a drink but I hardly ever ever ever get drunk,' I assure them.
'Okay,' Alfie says. 'Rach will give me your digits,' Alfie says.
'Sure Jade won't be jealous?' Rachel teases.
'Rach! Shut up! That's just wrong! His fifteen, Rach! I'm twenty-one! You hear him - sees me like a sister,' I brag, laugh, joke and tease at all once.
We hang out for another half an hour and I get a text.
Dad said yes! We be over in half hour SIS - just enough time to order pizza! Cheese and tomato please? Garlic bread as well? Alf!
I laugh and make the order. It gets ordered and two minutes later Alfie knocks.
We hang out and watch TV and he shows me some of his stuff his done about stars. It's actually really interesting.
Suddenly I get chest pains. I wince and take my meds but they don't go away like they usually do.
'Ash?' Alfie says. 'Ash?' He repeats. But it's too late. My vision wavers.
And I pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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