Chapther 3: A spooky Halloween

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The air in Hemlock Woods had turned crisp and leaves adorned the spot on the ground, in vibrant shades of orange and red

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The air in Hemlock Woods had turned crisp and leaves adorned the spot on the ground, in vibrant shades of orange and red. Fall had arrived and with it the anticipation of Halloween. It was the most perfect time for a celebration, and this was very special. Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly, who had spent their first months in the care of Orange, Purple, their parents, and Blue and Green, their uncles, were about to experience their first Halloween.

While everyone was waiting for night to fall, Sobble approached his parents timidly but curiously, when she approached, Orange and Purple noticed her presence.

[Orange]: Huh? —was what Orange said when he saw his "daughter" Sobble—Daughter? What's happening?

[Purple]: Yeah, what's up Sobble? What do you need? —Purple asked her "daughter" and crouched down to be at Sobble's height—

[Sobble]: Mommy Purple, Daddy Orange, I don't need anything at all, but I just want to know one thing, what is Halloween supposed to be? — The little Sobble asked, her eyes wide with curiosity and tenderness—

[Purple]: We are in luck, my girl —Purple said with a sparkle in her eyes. — It is a time where we, the Rainbow Friends, play dress-up, play games and have many surprises more, you understand? _Sobble nodded her head shyly, she looked shy but understood her dear mother's words—

As night fell, Orange and Purple carefully carried their baby Pokémon and headed to the heart of the forest, where Blue and Green were waiting. The woods were adorned with eerie, glowing mushrooms and intricately carved pumpkins. The night was filled with much anticipation. Blue, who once seemed intimidating, donned a fun oversized pumpkin costume. Its single eye shone mischievously from within the pumpkin's carved face.

[Blue]: Happy Halloween, my little nephews and nieces, I hope you have a lot of fun with what the Rainbow Friends have prepared for you! —He shouted with his thunderous voice, but with kindness.—

Green, whose appearance was peculiar to begin with, he sported an improvised ghost costume, with a sheet covering his lanky body, it seemed like he forgot to make his costume, and so he made an improvised one, although instead of looking terrifying, he looked funny, and in a way, adorable.

[Green]: Boo! "I'm a creepy ghost," Green said, trying to scare his friends, but instead he did. He just made little Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly laugh, he didn't care about that anyway.— Oh well, at least I tried, happy Halloween!

The 6 baby Pokémon were dressed up in their own mini costumes, they couldn't contain their excitement when making and creating them. Grookey was a charming pirate, Scorbunny was a brave knight, Sobble was a mysterious little witch, Sprigatito a regal little princess, Fuecoco a clumsy clown and Quaxly a graceful dancer.

[Purple]: Aaaaaw! My kids are pretty creative! Just look at their Orange costumes! —said Purple, disguised as a sea monster—

[Orange]: Yes, Purple, it seems that Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly came out right for me —Replied Orange, who was dressed as a Viking and making a pose to look like a fachero, facherito—

As the night wore on, the forest came alive with games and laughter. There was apple fishing (Scorbunny, Fuecoco and Sprigatito did not participate for obvious reasons), campfire ghost stories from the Rainbow Friends, and even a costume parade led by Blue, who couldn't resist making funny faces with his pumpkin costume on.

[Scorbunny]: Hey Uncle Blue, you made the best pumpkin ever, no one could have done it better than you! —Scorbunny said quite cheerfully as Blue lovingly carried him in her arms, the armor of Scorbunny's knight costume shining thanks to the glowing moonlight.—

[Blue]: Aaaaaw, thanks Scorbunny! And you are the bravest but also the most adorable knight of all time! —Blue said as she hugged Scorbunny, obviously careful not to suffocate him. Purple and Orange looked at this scene while saying "Aaaaaaaw, they are so cute"—

Green, in his ghostly blanket, joined in the joy, pretending to float mysteriously through the place with joy as if he were a real ghost, everyone looked at him while clapping and making sounds in the background.

[Green]: Everyone look at me, I'm the creepiest ghost in Hemlock Woods! —Green exclaimed excitedly as he showed off his ghost costume and everyone applauded—

The baby Pokémon really enjoyed the Halloween festivities at Hemlock Woods, collecting candy, mushrooms and laughing at the jokes their parents, Rainbow Friends, and their uncles, Blue and Green, made to brighten their night.

As the night grew darker and darker, the peculiar family gathered around the campfire for a final spooky story from the 4 Rainbow Friends, Blue and Green took turns telling stories that sent chills down the spines of the 6 little Pokémon and by They briefly made them cry out of fear (well, this only happened to Sprigatito and Sobble) but the presence of Orange, Purple, Blue and Green made the fear nothing serious.

[Purple]: Do you guys know something? This night was unforgettable, we had a lot of fun, hehehe —Was what Purple said while his heart shone with joy and happiness for the night he had spent—

[Orange]: Of course shi, this was our first Halloween, and there will be more to come, what did you think, little ones? —Orange asked Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly curiously, he wanted to know how they had had their first Halloween—

[Grookey]: Incredible! It was the best first Halloween we've ever had! I can't wait for it to be October 31st again! —Grookey answered.—

[Scorbunny]: Yes, cool costumes, candy, everything happens on this holiday! —Scorbunny commented, quite excited.—

[Sobble]: I-I think I like candy —Sobble stammered in a shy way, but she was happy anyway—

[Sprigatito]: Well I think it was fantastic! We have all been able to enjoy Halloween, and that makes me very happy! Meow! —said Sprigatito, jumping for joy while she wagged her little tail—

[Fuecoco]: I loved it too, I loved that everyone, including my brothers, could participate, and those horror stories were really scary! —Fuecoco said as he followed his family innocently—

[Quaxly]: Everyone is right! I loved it because of the apple fishing! But also, because we were all together, like a true family,” Quaxly added, gently moving his wings.

As the night drew to a close, the baby Pokémon settled into their cozy, soft nest to nest, followed by Orange and Purple, because this day was full of emotions. The place was filled with the soft, contained signs of the little ones and the rustling of the leaves of Hemlock Woods.

Orange and Purple and Blue and Green knew and were aware that this Halloween would only be the beginning of many adventures, festivities and laughter everywhere with the little Pokemon, children of Orange anda Purple (Grookey [ ♂️ ], Scorbunny [ ♂️ ], Sobble [ ♀️ ], Sprigatito [ ♀️ ], Fuecoco [ ♀️ ] Quaxly [ ♀️ ]).

And so, in the heart of Hemlock Woods, under the watchful growth of the moon and its illuminated glow, a new tradition was born: a Hemlock Halloween full of magic, love and the joy/happiness of family.

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