Authors Note

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Authors Note: (PLEASE READ)

Hi everybody! Okay so a lot has happened in the past few months, I graduated high school so I am officially starting college in the fall! Yay I'm going to be an adult! NOT. Okay lets see what else....OH I start work in the next week so that's pretty exciting.

But enough about me! Down to business. Now I know I haven't touched wattpad let alone this book in like 3 months and I am terribly sorry. It's just due to lack of energy and time, My dad absolutely hates it when either my brother or I are on our computer or devices all day so it's been very hard to get on without running into any problems. Since I'm starting work I'll be allowed a bit of leniency. Hopefully.

Another topic I would like to address. I know my writing can be a bit...sloppy when it comes to being "historically correct". I've gotten a lot of feedback from you guys which I love, thank you so much! And some of that feedback had to do with my story not being completely "historically correct". Which I get, that is pretty frustrating. So what I am going to do, is go back, reread through what I have so far and make a few changes, instead of me going through and finishing the book then have people not like it due to the errors and then have me go back alllllll the way to the beginning and change it from there. Make sense?

Cause you guys deserve a GOOD story and I am willing to do whatever it takes to give you guys that good story :)

I hope you guys understand and I'll be sure to keep everyone posted!

Yours Truly


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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