Chapter 6

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My Nazi Soldier

Chapter 6

The next thing I heard was a child screaming. There was lots of horrified screams coming from bystanders due to what they just witnessed. My eyes were glued to the dead Irish woman lying on the dirt ground, blood poured out of her body where the fresh bullet hole in her chest. I heard slight whimpering next to me and I saw Patty sitting on the floor, her back towards the window and her hands covered her ears.

I looked back out the window and saw two soldiers carrying the womans body off to somewhere unknown and the small boy was still struggling against the soldiers grip.

"Mam, mam!" The little one cried out for his mother, tears streaming down his face as he watched his mother being carried way. The soldier had enough of it so he started walking in the opposite direction towards the big train cars.

"What was he saying?" Patty's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked down at her only to see her big eyes staring up at me. I sighed as tears threatened to come out of my eyes. I reached out and patted down her hair reassuringly and she scooted closer to me, enveloping her in a hug.

"He was crying for his mother." I said softly, my voice quavering. Patty shuddered slightly as she hugged me tighter.

I let a few tears fall down my face and everything was silent again, except for the heavy footsteps heard from the hallway outside our door.

Patty and I looked at the door as it opened quickly. Patty's eyes widened as she recognized the man standing at the door as the soldier who a attacked her, not too long ago. A small gasp escaped her lips and she hid herself in my arms, where I sheilded her.

The man, Sergant Abello according to Nikolai, stood in the door way looking down at us, a small smirk of recognition spread across his face when he saw the fear Patty felt.

"Almost time for lights out." His voice commanded and he began to leave the room when I stopped him.

"Cén fáth go raibh sí bás?" (Why did she have to die?) I asked him which made him stop in his tracks and turn back to face me, slowly. My question obviously caught him off guard and he looked at me with confusion.

"What did you say to me, girl?" His voice was strict and had a demanding tone to it but I didn't back down. I sat up straight with Patty still in my arms and held my head high.

"I said, why did she have to die." I repeated. His eyes narrowed at me as my words processed through his head. He took long strides towards us and Patty instinctly hid her face under my arm out of fear. He stood infront of me, raising a hand high up above me and sent it flying towards my face.

The sound of his large hand connecting with my petite face resounded through the empty room and I could feel the sting of his hand moments after it even happened. I felt Patty flinch at the sound and even though he hadn't touched her, I could practically see the flashbacks that she was having to when he hurt her.

I looked away from him and Patty, not wanting either of them to see the pain that was in my eyes. Tears were threatening to spill out but I wouldn't let them. No, I was much to strong for that.

A large hand grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. His face was twisted into a cynical smile and he just chuckled deeply.

"I don't answer to your kind, girl. She died because she needed to and that's more than you need to know." His words were harsh and cold, I could feel Patty shivering in my arms and I knew that he could see it too.

By this time he let go of my face and started to make a retreat out of our room, slowly banging the door shut.

I let out a shaky breath and stared at the door, just in case he came back. A few moments passed by when i decided that it was finally safe for us to move about. I readjusted Patty in my lap and she immediately threw her arms around my neck and squeezed.

I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a reassuring hug.

"Shhh, it's alright now, he's gone."


Hi guys oh gosh so so so so so sorry it took so long for me to update this chapter I have been so swamped with work, and school starting up again and as you may or may not know already, I started a new book!! ^.^ I've been working on this for a while and it would mean so much if you guys went a head and checked that out for me!

I promise, next update will be a lot better and longer but I also had a question for you guys! What are your thoughts about me having a youtube channel? Maybe to talk about my writing and maybe a little bit of my life? Because there is a lot more to me than just writing obviously haha Let me know in the comments !

As always, love you guys thanks for all the love and support and I'll see you next update! byeee<3

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