Chapter 5

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My Nazi Solider

Chapter 5

I don't know how much time had passed since that day. I have lost all sense of time since I got there, but I'm assuming its been a week or so. I had be going back and forth between the kitchen and doing the soldiers laundry and to be honest, I preferred the kitchen, no matter what rude comments they made towards me there.

I hadn't seen much of the blond haired man through out the week. He would come and go every so often to check up on the women and girls. According to the kitchen gossip, there had been a few girls who had died in their sleep. It's a shame really but it was also very frightening. They starve us, only letting us eat the soldiers scraps every so often.

I looked up and saw Patty's small frame laying on her bed. Her body rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern showing that she was fast asleep. Patty had been oddly quiet these past few days. Only talking to me when necessary. I can sense that she is very scared. Ever since that one morning when that soldier beat her for talking back, she's been scared to even speak in a soldiers presence.

I had finished my chores for the day around mid afternoon and I had some time to kill before dinner time. I was sitting on the edge of my bed thinking to myself. I often did this when I was missing my family. Mother, Father and Kurt. I hadn't seen Kurt in a while actually. The last time I saw him was the day I came here. Men and women prisoners weren't supposed interact with each other so I won't be seeing much of him which killed me.

Kurt and I had been close even as kids. We didn't fight like most siblings did and we always supported each other.

The sound of a door creaking open caught my attention as I turned my head to the door. A head of blond hair poked through the door and revealed Nikolai. His eyes scanned the room until they met mine and he smiled softly.

"Yes?" I asked as he made his way into the room silently closing the door behind him. He took off his hat and folded it up, sliding it into his back pocket.

"I uh..I wanted to check on the little one. Is she doing alright?" His voice sounded a bit apprehensive but sincere all the same. I smiled slightly and looked over to Patty's sleeping form, tucked under the thin blanket. His eyes followed mine and met Patty.

He sighed and walked into the room more.

"I apologize on behalf of Sergeant Abello, for his actions towards her. Soldiers are not allowed to assault the prisoners unless they deserve it, and the little one did nothing to deserve it." He explained, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Patty's. He ran a hand through his blond locks and continued to look at Patty.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at him.

"Why are you apologizing? Aren't you guys supposed to not care about us..Jewish Scum." I sneered out the last words and he seemed to wince at them. He shook his head, still avoiding my gaze.

"This might come as a shock to you but not all of us are heartless." He said plainly. I scoffed in response.

"I see the way you soldiers look at us. You treat us like dirt and look what one of them did to Patty! You're tying to tell me that they're not heartless? That's the biggest piece of-" I started to rant but he cut me off before I could say anything else.

"You know nothing, girl. Some of these men were taken from their homes and families to be here and have no choice but to do the things they do."

"So that justifies them doing the same to us? I haven't seen my parents or my older brother. For all I know they could be dead!" I was starting to get upset now and tears threatened to spill out. Nikolai was about to open his mouth and say something when we heard Patty stir in her bed.

"At least you have a brother." Her voice was slightly angry. We both looked at her in shock as she sat up in her bed. How long had she been awake? How much did she hear?

"Mine was taken from me when I was little and I haven't seen him since." Water was building up around the rims of her eyes, threatening to spill out any second. I looked over at Nikolai and he looked genuinely shocked at Patty's outburst.

She was silent for a moment before looking at Nikolai.

"Leave. Please." Her voice had softened and he waited silently before nodding and granting her wish. He placed his hat back on his head before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I turned back to Patty but she had already turned back around and hid herself underneath the covers. Sighing and walked over to the side of her bed and knelt on the floor.

"I'm sorry Patty. I thought you were asleep. We didn't mean to yell." I explained, my voice soft. There was silence from underneath the blanket. I huffed and thought of a different approach to take. Suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Tell me about your brother Patty." I said, smiling softly. There was some more silence before the blanket slowly came off and revealed Patty's face. Her eyes were slightly wet from the few stray tears but a faint smile spread across her face.

"What's his name?" I asked her.

"Donzel. He was my older brother. I was four when he left me." She began, her face fell towards the end.

"He was my best friend, always helping me, protecting me and playing games with me. I never wanted him to leave me...he promised he wouldn't, but he did. And it crushed me, even though I was little." I saw a stray tear stream down her face and I tried to hide the ones that were forcing its way out of my own eyes.

Now I understand why she acted so bitterly towards me when I mentioned Kurt. She hadn't seen her brother since she was four. I sighed and tried smiling, in order to brighten her up.

"Well, he sounded like a good big brother." Her face brightened up a bit at my comment and she sat up about to say something but then we heard yelling from outside. Both our heads snapped to the window and back each other. We rushed over to the window to witness the events outside.

There was an older woman kneeling on the ground and screaming, trying to reach out for something. I tried following her gaze and saw a Nazi soldier holding a small child. The woman was screaming and crying words in Gaelic but the Nazi said nothing to her. I rarely saw any children under twelve years old but this one looked to be about three years old. He was screaming and crying for his mother Patty and I continued to watch to see what would happen.

"Mo leanbh! Le do thoil nach mo mhac!" I heard her beg, not her baby, not her son in Gaelic but it wasn't any use. The Nazi just sneered. I looked up and saw that these two had caused a crowd of attention with their yelling.

The woman summed enough courage to get up and run towards her baby.

"Uimh!" No! I screamed even though she couldn't hear me. Patty covered her eyes quickly and that's when we heard the gun shot.


A/N: Hey ! Guys !.....hehe okay yeah I know I haven't uploaded in like what...3-4 months? You have the right to hate me but I gave you a nice long chapter here! It even has a cliffhanger! Sorta not really.

Whatever, I really don;t have any excuses as to why I haven't uploaded, I just got lazy and plus I'm working on a new project so stay tuned ;)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come soon!

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