Chapter 3

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My Nazi Soldier

Chapter 3

The man lead us and the rest of the females out into the court yard. There was a trail of men coming out of the building that we were now currently heading too. I noticed that on some of the men, their arms were redened and had black markings on them. I didn't notice that I had stopped walking because some girl from behind me shoved me forward and started mumbling profanites towards me in what sounded like Italian. I glaced down infront of me towards Patty and gave her a look of confusion.

She put her hands up in surrender and shook her head. "I'm too young to know those words, let alone translate them." She said with a little amusement in her voice.

We continued to walk, occasionally stopping in line then starting up again a few moments later. Women started to come out of the building and going back into the building we were living in. The same redness appeared on their arms as well.

It came to be Patty and I's turn to enter the building were we saw more female, as well as male, soldiers inspecting the women.

"Weiter!" A blonde woman yelled from farther down the line and thats when I felt someone push me forward again. Why was everyone so pushy today? I shook my head and made my way over to the mean looking lady, and when I say mean, I don't mean it in a childish way. This woman literally looked like she hadn't smiled a day in her life. She had pale skin and her blonde hair was tucked into her green uniform hat. Her icy blue eyes watched me as I walked up to her. She grabbed my shoulders and roughly guided me to directly in front of her.

She pulled a roll of measuring tape out of her pocket and unrolled it, holding it up to my side. After measuring me she scribbled down what I assumed was my hight on her clipboard and put the tape back in her pocket. She lightly shoved me backwards where my foot hit something hard. I looked behind me and saw an average looking scale. I stepped on as instructed and she scribbled down my weight.

"Vorname?" Her voice was cold and every word seemed like she was bored of doing this.

"Kirsten O'Hara." I said for what was the fourth time today and she scribbled in down with a set of three numbers. She searched through a set of papers until she found the one she was looking for.

"You're an Irish one huh?" She asked but all signs of interest were absent from her voice. I nodded in response and she scoffed.

"A shame you have, breathing problem. You will be working in the laundry room and kitchen whenever necessary. You're number is 482." Her german accent made some of the english words incomprehensible but I got what she was trying to say. I had asthma so I guess that was keeping me from doing actual labor. Thank you, God. Who knew that would come in handy one day.

She shoved me along towards the next station where I saw a man holding what looked like a metal stick inside a furnace. I eyed it carefully once he pulled it out of the furnace. The end was shining bright orange and I could see that it had numbers on it. Oh God. They were branding us. I squeaked slightly in fright once the man grabbed my wrist and without even batting an eye pressed the hot metal on my fair skin.

A burning sensation shot through my arm as he held the blazing hot brander on my skin, I could feel the numbers burning themselves on me. Marking me for life. He peeled back the metal off me gently as to not rip my skin off. I looked down to my forearm and saw in back ink the numbers 482.


"Stupid germans." Patty cursed them once we were back in the 'safety' of our room. My arm was becoming substantially red now and it was very noticeable against my pale Irish skin.

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