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Fancy a pizza, Mr.Shiny shoes?

Kairav is having a bad day, a very bad one, the I-should-dig-a-hole-instead, Maybe-I-should-punch-someone kind of bad. He was late to deliver two packages of pizzas. Now, the discount given to the customers for the delay would be cut off from his little to none salary. If that's not enough, he has to deliver to the miser ass who has money to order pizzas like he is gonna feed a whole chivalry but doesn't have the decency to tip even a note.

Kairav repeatedly presses the stop button of the lift, seeing a man running towards the lift with worry written all over his face. There goes his another order. He has just a minute in his hand to deliver and now he will definitely get late because he decided to play the hero and stop for the stranger.

Kairav heaves a sigh of relief when the man finally enters the lift, looking nonchalant as if he weren't just sweating a bucket. Kairav frowns when the man doesn't even acknowledge him. He, at least, deserves a little smile for holding the door for the ungrateful man. He takes a few seconds to scan the newcomer. He looks like the carbon copy of those people whom you might see modelling for suits. He has a grey suit on which is perfectly ironed, the fabrics shining brighter than Kairav's future. Let's not talk about his shiny pointy shoes. It looks sharp enough to cut through Kairav's hatred for miser customers. However, even with all the accessories to decorate his demeanour, he possesses an ugly personality, at least, that's what Kairav has assessed so far.

"You are welcome." Kairav mumbles under his breath, loud enough to let the man hear him while he presses himself against the lift wall, holding 5 boxes of large pizzas.

The man looks puzzled for a second, then he schools his features and looks at Kairav as if he were the most boring object the man has ever laid his eyes on.

"I didn't say thank you." The man says, his voice thick with annoyance.

"That's right." Kairav gives him a little closed mouth smile.

Kairav shuts his mouth and looks ahead of himself, avoiding the man's scrutinising eyes. For some reason, he doesn't look too pleased with Kairav.

Why isn't the 25th floor coming yet?

Kairav keeps counting floors until the 25th floor comes. He is happy to be away from the odd man's presence. He is ready to set but the door never opens. Instead, the lights on the lift start to flicker and eventually the lift gets as dark as Satan's soul.

"What the fuck?" The man curses, furiously pressing on the emergency button.

"Open this shit right now or else I'm gonna fucking kill everyone responsible for the lift." The unnamed man literally growls, trying to contact the other side but failing miserably.

Kairav, for sure, should be afraid. The man beside him seems angry enough to commit a massacre. For the life of him, he can't contain his laughter anymore and soon enough, he started laughing, albeit, soundlessly. There's not a shadow of doubt that he is out of his mind. While the man is yelling colourful profanities, he is laughing his ass off.

It's about time that the man notices his weird behaviour. The man is taken aback by Kairav's lack of panic or more like he is surprised that the boy finds the whole ordeal funny.

"What's wrong with you, kid?" The man asks, his voice cautious, as if he were dealing with a lunatic.

Just to prove that man right and spook him even more, Kairav starts laughing loudly.

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