part 14 - the holiday (final day)

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George's POV

Your head's pounding and the music's suddenly getting louder and more painful but you still have to find y/n. Weaving through the people and broken glass, you find them at the bar being harassed by a couple of guys slightly older than you. "Lads, fuck off." They turn to look.

"The fuck are you?" the slightly drunker one of the two slurs.

"None of your business, get off them." You put your hand out for them to grab and the drunk guy pushes it away but you knee him as he does so. He stands up in your face so you pull y/n to behind you and don't let go of their hand. "Can I fucking help you?"

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what? Protect my girl from a couple of drunk older guys trying to get with them? You're nearly 30, grow up, mate." He starts speaking but you both swiftly walk away back to the group, and they run into Josh Z's arms. "You okay?"

H: "Oh hey y/n."

Y/N: "There was a couple of guys that came over and started to speak to me, one of them broke a shot glass right next to me and such then I was sorta stuck..."

"Then their superhero George came to save them."

Y/N: "Mhm."

CD: "Can we get outta here?"

"Yeah, please can we, cause I feel like I'm gonna pass out."

Everyone makes their way out to get a taxi and you keep hold of y/n's hand as you hold back from the main group. "So... do you wanna discuss the Lewis thing?" you ask, knowing it'll be awkward but it has to be asked.

Y/N: "About his text messages or...?"

"No, the outing us thing. I saw Josh's reply so now at least a thousand people know. Probably more a lot more."

Y/N: "Oh yeah. What about it?"

"Do you wanna... like... be a proper thing? Cause I'm going to be honest, you're horrendous at being subtle with it. The kiss for starters," you laugh.

Y/N: "Rude...... but you're also not wrong."

"Also, what did--Did Lewis say anything to you before his tweet?"

Y/N: "He said... what was it again... that he's threatening to kill himself if I didn't reply to him, he doesn't care that he outed us.. and something else..."

"Jesus fucking christ."

Y/N: "I know. I've got screenshots and left him on read, but put a tweet out. Mental how I've went from I trust this guy loads, even consider him my best friend, to now I'm... not afraid of him but--Well I am a little bit with his messages but... you know what I mean?"

"Go from one hundred to zero so quickly?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

"At least there's a space for you to be part of the Chaos Crew if you want to be. Plus you've still got myself, Cam, both Arthurs, Alex... if he can get off of Alice at some point... Max and Andrew. You've still got a bunch of us, so if you think about it - yes he was your best friend but it's only one out of.. what.. seven? And you know I'm not going anywhere." You squeeze their hand while continuing to walk behind everyone.

H: "Do they have Uber over here?"

S: "Don't think so."

JZ: "There's taxis over there."

H: "Will we all fit in one?"

S: "A reckon we will."

CD: "Get in that one."

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