part 6 - the night out (part 3)

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Still Cam's POV

"Am fucking knackered, man."

L: "Are we safe?"

"A don't know, a can't see them."

AH: "I think they're gone for now. Too many people to pick them out."

L: "I'm gonna try and call Arthur again."

"A hate to be that person but a don't feel great."

AH: "Do you not?"


AH: "Why? Too much to drink?"

"Possibly. It's came on just like that." You click your fingers.

AE: "Be sick in the bush behind you."

"Oh aye, thanks Alex," you say sarcastically.

AE: "Thought it was a pretty good suggestion."

AH: "Wasn't bad, to be fair."

L: "He didn't answer but I've left a voicemail."

AE: "Saying?"

L: "That if he doesnae reply to any of us by the early afternoon latest, we'll tell the police cause it's suspicious he was with us then just disappeared with no contact after George fainted."

AE: "Fair."

L: "You alright, Cam?" He notices you crouched over next to the bush.

AH: "Oh for fuck sake."

AE: "What?"

AH: "Elphaba's up there. I can see her."

L: "Oh not again."

Y/N: "What should we do?"

AH: "Just stay here."

L: "Aye, I don't really wanna leave Andrew on his own."

Andrew's POV

C: "What's your problem with me??"

"I don't have one with you, I have one with your attitude and look on things."

C: "You keep saying that, darling, but I don't have either of those things."

"Oh so you calling my mate a slur and using your 'best mate' for money is normal?"

C: "Yes, because I'm famous, darling."

E: "She's not using me for money."

"Oh don't you start."

E: "I can start all I want."

"How about you two politely fuck off and leave me and my mates alone? Would you two be happy if either one of yous were in an ambulance because you had your drink spiked and the other is worried they could end up fucking paralysed or something?"

C: "That wouldn't happen."

"And how do you know?"

C: "Because I'm not stupid and let my drink get spiked."

"Oh so he planned to get it spiked for attention?"

C: "Yes."

"Wow. Okay."

"Ladies, could we just back off from him, please."

C: "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do??"

"Security. I've been watching this whole conversation unfold."

C: "Highly doubt you're proper security." You look down and see handcuffs attached to his trousers. "Probably work experience or something, look at e'state o'ye."

"Oh I've heard worse. Are you okay, sir?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Off you go, I'll deal with them."

C: "No!--"


You sprint out of there and call y/n. "Hey."

"Where are you guys?"

"That's... a good question. To the left as you walk down the road out the club."

"Left.. to the right?"

"Right then left, yeah, sorry."

L: "If you listen close enough, you'll hear Cam throwing up in the distance."

"Oh dear. See you in a bit."


Okay so past the club... then down here... then to the left? Oh yes yes. Oh I can see Cam. That's not good, is he okay? Oh fuck sake, Andrew, remember how to walk in a straight line.

"I nearly got arrested."

AE: "W-Why?"

L: "What?!"

"Chelsea was just being her usual loud self."

L: "Oh right, okay."

AE: "Where's Max? Is he with George?"

"With George, yeah. Is Cam okay?"

L: "Been sick a couple of times."

"Oh dear. Too much to drink?"

L: "Probably. Hopefully he won't turn out like George."

AE: "Can we get outta here?"

"I think how is another question."

AH: "And when."

C: "Am fine."

AH: "Sure?"

C: "No but yes."

L: "I can see a taxi stand over there."

Lewis, Cam, Arthur and Alex walk a little ahead and you stick back with y/n. "You alright?" you ask them while putting your arm around their shoulders.

Y/N: "Eh. I think so. Are you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Had too much to drink but nothing new."

Y/N: "I wonder how George is..."

"Mm... I'm sure he'll be fine."

Y/N: "I hope so."

"If not, you've always got me. I keep getting told I look a lot like him."

Y/N: "You do though."

"What is it?? Is it the hair?"

Y/N: "Yep. Hair and beard."

"I see... Then maybe if he gets a bit of a tan and we wear the same clothes - same person."

Y/N: "Exactly."

The group get in an Uber. Arthur and Alex get out first, then Cam with Chloe outside waiting for him, then y/n and Lewis - bestie sleepover? - and it's finally your stop. You get up the stairs of the flat, get to your door and open it... but with no Max.

I've locked the door but phone me and I'll unlock it
Tell George I love him and hope he's okay <3 xxx

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