A/N I am so sorry that I haven't updated in like two months, but I didn't think this story was going anywhere. That was until I saw that people were actually reading my story, which I am very thankful for, so thank you for that! But School has just ended for me so I will most likely be updating tons over the summer! So look forward to tons of new updates on both of my stories but mostly this one! Once again, love you all, sorry and thank you! ~ Em xoxo
Chapter 3: Oh Shit!
Hope's POV:
3 more blocks come on!!! No, I can hear the van getting closer and closer and closer... wait, it's stopped moving? Have they given up because I sure as hell hope they did.
Finally I can stop looking like a freak while I'm walking and walk at a normal pace.
Is it just me or do I hear footsteps? Eh it's probably just a rabbit or deer or something. But it sounds like it's getting closer, finally I turn around and....
(End Of Recap)
I see three tall figures dressed in black, head to toe, just a few feet away from me. My eyes widened in shock and I turned swiftly on my heel to run the other way. But of course just my luck, I tripped. Curse my awful hand-eye coordination! I tried to get up but before I could I felt a pair of hands cover my mouth. Another grab my arms, and another grab my legs. I start thrashing around trying to loosen their grip on me, long enough for me to get away. I started kicking the man at my feet. Or I'm guessing it's a man? That's what I'm going with. Anyway, I managed to kick him in the balls, which made him double over in pain. Once my legs were free I was trying to bite the one who's hand was over my mouth. And yes, I succeeded. This led to him yelping in pain exclaiming, "Bloody hell Haz, she bit me!"
Haz? What kind of name is that? I'm guessing it's a nickname. The only one I had left to get rid of was the one holding my arms. And bloody hell was he strong! I started screaming for help but that resulted in hands covering my mouth.
"Lou! Just gag her or something! She's too strong!" No no no no no! Please don't! Hearing this made my start thrashing around more, trying to kick anything in my way. But soon enough the hands on my mouth had gotten replaced by a rag.
I tried my best not to breath in the chemicals but I had to breath at some point and after I did. Everything started to become blurry. I was slowly loosing feeling to my body, I tried to fight it as best I could, but it was useless. The chemicals were too strong.
Soon enough, everything went black.

Kidnapped By MY BROTHER!?
FanfictionHope is just an average girl. Well, not really. Her brother is the one and only Niall Horan. The only thing is... she never see's him. And hasn't seen him for the past 5 years. He doesn't call, he doesn't text, and he doesn't visit. Not many people...