Experiment /6

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An early and slightly longer chapter for everyone, thank you for the love this ff it's getting :)

It's been an entire week and San has been avoiding any physical contact with his best friend, god, it's  like living in hell for him

"Don't touch Wooyoung" that's what he told himself after a great day last Sunday, where they got some movie tickets and wasted all their precious time just walking by the beach and talking about random shit

It was so good, but this week...

San refused to sleep with the boy, to touch him, even look at him for more than 5 seconds, it's been so hard, he slipped so many times and ended up touching him unknowingly, then got mad at himself

It happened at least 8 times

Most likely San avoided staying alone with Wooyoung, he knew it could get dangerous and seriously attack him, hold him, touch him, and kiss him.

To make it worse Wooyoung has been wearing clothes that reveal his neck and collarbone, those ripped jeans marking his ass, it's been driving San insane, it's like his doing it on purpose

Every time he's fucking a random guy from school, he wishes it was someone else, someone, the boy loves so much it annoys him, and ends up being too rough and cold towards that person yet he doesn't care

"You are being too rough again Sannie"

"Don't you fucking  call me that!" the boy says pulling the brunette by his hair, the other hisses In pain his smirk falling off his lips

Hearing the doorbell San releases his grip and picks up his pants putting them on

"Wipe that shit off my couch, you're lucky it's leather" San points to the boy's cum giving him a death stare

"Why the fuck do you get so aggressive with that nickname, relax man," the brunette says getting some tissues and cleaning up the mess

San opens the front door seeing Hongjoong waiting while on his phone with a smile on his lips

"Are you going to stand there looking like an idiot or come in?" the boy asks the smiling guy making him flinch and look up at a cold face San, rolling his eyes he goes past him entering his house

The guy San forgot his name gets up from the couch when he finishes tying his shoelaces, going past Hongjoong he says a dry bye to San walking out the  open door that a half-naked boy closes

"Again? San what has gotten into you this past week?"

"Nothing, what do you mean?"

"Nothing? You are cold, and mean, sleeping with random guys every day, worse than before, you are ignoring Wooyoung too, you are avoid him like the plague and you're not clinging onto him, what the fuck happened? Did you guys fight?"


"Then?" looking at San, the boy sees a sad smile on his lips, arms crossed looking at the not-so-interesting wooden tiles

"I just need to stop loving him, and I can't, one day I try to stop, but the other I'm obsessed with making him cling to me, I 've been trying to avoid any contact with Woo to see if this stops but It's getting worse, I have him on my mind all the damn time now"

"I can't be left alone with him Hongjoong I didn't wanna end up doing something he will never forgive me for"

"San you can't avoid him like this, it's hurting both of you"

"Huh? What do you mean both of us?" San looks up slightly worried

"Woo has been very quiet, he looks sad all the time, always staring at you, tries to reach out to touch you only to put his hand back down, scared, smiles only when  you make jokes or when you unknowingly touch him" seeing the boy playing nervously with his fingers Hongjoong continues

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