Chapter 2

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Maria's consciousness reemerged from the depths of darkness, her senses slowly returning to her. As her eyes fluttered open, she found herself in an unfamiliar place, disoriented and in pain. The recollection of suffering, screams, and a mysterious voice lingered in her mind, creating a disconcerting sense of reality.

The dim light filtering through her blurred vision only added to her disorientation. With a supreme effort, she forced herself to focus, her determination overriding the throbbing ache in her head. Though her body protested, she slowly uncurled, groaning in discomfort. The questions loomed in her mind, and the need to understand her circumstances urged her to push through the pain and piece together the puzzle of her situation.

"You're finally awake." A low, familiar voice trailed through her ears.

As Maria's vision slowly cleared, her gaze locked onto the young man who stood before her. His dark eyes, framed by his shadowy hair, conveyed an air of weariness and wisdom that belied his youthful appearance. It was a visage she found strangely unfamiliar, unlike anyone she had known before.

When she noticed her reflection in his eyes, the realization struck her like a bolt of lightning. Her once-silver eyes had transformed into a striking shade of gold, reminiscent of the very eyes that had been responsible for her blinding.

"Who are you...?" Merely speaking the words drained her.

The words left Maria's lips in a fragile whisper, each syllable a burden on her weakened frame. Her exhaustion was evident, and her curiosity gave way to an overwhelming need for rest.

Madara, the enigmatic figure who had orchestrated her transformation and appeared to be her savior, observed her with a furrowed brow. He noted her exhaustion and spoke with a hint of compassion. "No one of importance," he replied. "You're still tired, it seems. Sleep. I will be here when you wake."

Maria's eyelids grew heavy as the embrace of sleep beckoned her, and she succumbed to its comforting darkness. In that moment, she felt an uncharacteristic sense of security and trust, despite knowing little about the man who had taken her in.

As she drifted into slumber, Madara's true nature and intentions remained hidden, and Maria chose to embrace the comfort of ignorance. In the stillness of the room, she saw no evil, only the hope of a new beginning.


Madara's discontent with the ease of the battle against the Grimm was palpable. He had expected a more formidable challenge, especially given the way Maria had described them in her stories. Their swift defeat left him with a sense of disappointment, as if the world's dangers were nothing more than mere illusions easily dispelled.

The encounter with the Grimm had shattered the anticipation of a worthy adversary, and Madara was left to ponder the true nature of the threats in this unfamiliar world. As he reflected on the relative simplicity of the battle, he couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries and challenges lay ahead.

Madara's contempt for the creatures Maria had once feared was evident as he effortlessly dispatched the Grim, including the flying beasts known as Gryphons. The ease with which he dispatched them left him feeling unchallenged and unimpressed.

He regarded the lifeless Ursa, using it as a macabre platform, and expressed his disdain. "These are the creatures you fear?" His tone was laced with mockery. "Pitiful." Madara clicked his tongue in derision, nudging the fallen cadaver with a casual gesture. "They cannot dance, let alone fight."

Surveying the battlefield strewn with lifeless Grimm, Madara couldn't help but feel a measure of respect for Maria. It was evident that she was a skilled warrior, and her proficiency with a blade had not gone unnoticed. Her participation in the battle was commendable, proving that she was far from a helpless bystander in the face of danger.

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