Chapter 5

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Maria hurriedly pursued Madara, her steps quick and determined as she tried to catch up with him. "Madara, wait!" she called out, the urgency evident in her voice.

He continued walking, his pace unyielding. The tension between them was palpable, and Maria struggled to bridge the distance. "Madara, just hear him out. It could be a good opportunity for us," she pleaded, her silver eyes reflecting concern.

He halted abruptly, causing Maria to nearly collide with him. Madara turned to face her, his expression firm. "Opportunity or not, the feeling of that man isn't something that I don't want to associate it with."

Maria looked into his dark eyes, her resolve unwavering. "I get it, but we can't keep turning down every chance that comes our way. This could be a path to something better for both of us."

He sighed, a rare moment of vulnerability crossing his features. "Trust is not a luxury I can afford."

She placed a hand on his arm, a silent plea in her touch. "We're a team, Madara. Trust me, and maybe we can find a way to make this work."

The two stood there, locked in a silent exchange, each grappling with their own reservations and desires for the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Madara sighed, his hand dragging down his face in exasperation. He could feel Maria's earnest gaze on him, her hopefulness a silent force urging him to reconsider. He knew his instincts were warning him not to trust this Oswald, but Maria's optimism had a way of chipping away at his resolve.

"Fine, we'll do it your way," he conceded, his tone carrying a mix of reluctance and resignation. Maria's face lit up with a triumphant smile, her silver eyes shining with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Madara. I promise you won't regret it," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

He grunted in response, still not fully convinced. As they made their way back to the inn, Maria couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "This could be a turning point for us, Madara. Imagine the possibilities! Training others, sharing our skills."

He merely nodded, the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders. The inn's door swung open, and they stepped inside. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, the earlier tension replaced with a sense of anticipation. The mayor and Oswald were engaged in conversation, but as Madara and Maria approached, their discussion quieted.

"Sir Madara," Oswald addressed him again, his tone cordial. "I understand your reservations, but I believe Beacon Academy could benefit greatly from your expertise. We face threats that demand exceptional skills, and you have proven yourself capable of handling such challenges."

Madara's gaze remained guarded, but Maria shot him an encouraging look. "We're offering a chance for you to make a real difference. It's not just about us; it's about helping others, shaping the future," Oswald continued.

Madara's intense gaze bore into the headmaster, his suspicion evident. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this invitation than met the eye.

"How did you hear of me?" he questioned, a sharp edge in his tone. "With all the huntsmen at your disposal, why single me out?"

Oswald maintained his composure, offering a simple, "That is correct."

The Uchiha continued to scrutinize the older man. "You have alternative motives, don't you?" he asserted, his skepticism laid bare. A sharp poke to his ribs from Maria served as a reminder to exercise caution, but Madara met her glare with one of his own, unyielding in his distrust of the headmaster.

Oswald sighed, acknowledging the tension in the room. "I understand your skepticism, Sir Madara. However, our interest lies in your unique skills and experiences. We believe you can make a significant impact at Beacon Academy."

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