Chpater 4

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Madara's frustration reached its peak, and he couldn't contain his exasperation. Fools, he deemed them all—fools in his mind, fools in his muttered words. The repetitive impact of his head against the wooden wall echoed his discontent. Once. Twice. Thrice. Yet, his skull remained intact, as did the structure of the inn.

His frustration extended beyond the physical act, encapsulating his disappointment in the villagers and the decision to seek refuge in a place like this. The corner he had claimed for himself and Maria bore witness to his vexation. While the inn's walls held firm, Madara questioned the fortitude of his own resolve.

The patrons of the inn, including Maria, observed him with a mix of curiosity and concern. To them, he might have seemed a madman, but to Madara, the madness lay in the idea that he could find solace in a place like Patch.

Amidst the lingering frustration, Maria offered a gesture of comfort to Madara. Her hand gently rubbed his shoulder, a subtle attempt to soothe his vexed state. She nudged her breakfast toward him, her voice carrying a tone of concern. "There, there. Are you still hungry? You can have some of my waffles."

Madara responded by thumping his head against the table in an apparent display of discontent. "Don't like waffles."

Undeterred, Maria continued her efforts to alleviate his mood. "Pancakes, then?" she suggested, delivering a comforting clap to his back.

The wayward Uchiha mulled over the alternative breakfast option. After a brief moment of consideration, he grunted a response. "Hrmph."

Maria's cheerful encouragement filled the corner they occupied, and Madara, still nursing his discontent, glanced up to witness her animated gesture. "That's the spirit!" she chirped happily, her enthusiasm undeterred. With a wave toward someone, likely the inn's proprietor, she called out, "Hey, boss! Another round of pancakes!"

As the promise of more pancakes hung in the air, Madara sank back down with a growl, his brooding demeanor evident. He absently nursed his coffee, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. The contrast between Maria's buoyant energy and Madara's grumbling discontent created a peculiar atmosphere in their corner of the inn.

The notion of "suffering from success" crossed Madara's mind, a concept he hadn't deemed possible until this moment. The intricacies of their interactions unfolded against the backdrop of the inn, leaving an indelible impression on both the patrons and the pair themselves.

Madara's initial plan, born of a straightforward desire to dispatch Grimm, earn some money, and instill a healthy dose of Uchiha fear into the townsfolk, appeared deceptively simple at first. However, the simplicity that characterized his expectations should have served as a warning. The execution of the plan unfolded in a manner that mirrored its apparent ease.

Thus far, Madara had encountered no Grimm formidable enough to challenge him. Whether lesser creatures or those deemed greater, none could withstand his prowess. There was a singular incident involving a Goliath, but even that colossal foe succumbed to a well-placed strike, rendering the encounter less significant in Madara's eyes.

As the warrior moved through this phase of his journey, the juxtaposition of his formidable abilities against the perceived threats of Grimm and the reactions of the townsfolk painted a portrait of power and dominance. The path that seemed simple revealed complexities beneath the surface, and Madara navigated through this world of Grimm with an air of assurance that spoke volumes about his capabilities.

The predicament lay in Madara's proficiency at dispatching Grimm—too good, in fact. The responsibility for this situation rested solely on his shoulders, and he had no one else to blame. Over the course of three months, since their arrival in Patch, an unexpected phenomenon had taken root. The town experienced a rare renaissance, a boom, or one could even label it a resurgence.

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