Chapter 8

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"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" A yell was coming out from other line from his...'associate' from back in Vale. "You killed their leader?! And now they're calling you their king? Madara, this is insane!"

"It wasn't my intention to become their leader. They just... followed along." Madara just shrugged while plucking his ear.

Maria sighed."What are you going to do now?"

Madara thought for a second before speaking. "I'm not sure yet. They're subdued for now, but who knows how long that'll last. These people are unpredictable."

"You have to be careful. You know this isn't going to end well if you stay there." Maria said.

Madara scoffed. "I'm aware. I'll figure something out. For now, they're at least not causing any more trouble."

"Just promise me you'll come back in one piece. I don't want to lose you to some bandit tribe.

"I promise, Maria. I'll be cautious. And besides, nobody can touch me."

"Fine. Just... be safe, okay?"

"You forgot who you are speaking to, woman."

Madara hung up the call and leaned back, rubbing his temples. This was not how he expected things to go. Leading a bandit tribe was the last thing on his mind when he took on this mission. Yet here he was, reluctantly at the helm of a group of outlaws.

He glanced around at the makeshift camp, filled with wary faces looking to him for guidance. It was surreal. Madara had never sought leadership or power. He was a lone warrior, always moving forward, driven by his own goals and ideals. Now, he found himself with followers, however reluctant they might be.

The responsibility weighed heavy on his shoulders. These were not soldiers or shinobi, but desperate people, looking for someone to lead them. Madara knew he had to tread carefully. His actions here could have consequences far beyond this moment.

Yet, despite his reservations, a small part of him felt a strange satisfaction. For the first time in a long while, he was not alone in his endeavors. Whether he liked it or not, he had allies now. And perhaps, in time, he could turn this chaotic situation into something more stable.

But for now, he needed to focus on keeping these bandits in line and finding a way forward that didn't involve more bloodshed. It was a delicate balance, one that Madara was not entirely sure he was prepared for.

"So done talking with your side bitch?" Koi smirked while she said that.

Madara just stared at the woman before having to try to ignore her insults. Sure, she can be a nuisance but she has value for fighting and probably second in command for this tribe. They need order. Actually order and a new motive.

Madara regarded Koi with a measured gaze, his expression inscrutable. "So, done with your insults?"

Koi smirked, unrepentant. "For now, at least. What's on your mind, 'King'?"

Ignoring the jab, Madara folded his arms across his chest. "I assume you all follow a code here?"

Koi nodded, her tone serious. "A loose one. We respect strength, loyalty, and the freedom to do as we please within our territory. The old chief upheld that until you... intervened."

Madara nodded thoughtfully. "We need more than loose principles to rebuild. Discipline, structure, and a clear hierarchy. I don't intend to rule with an iron fist, but chaos breeds weakness."

Koi raised an eyebrow. "And you think you can provide that?"

"I intend to try," Madara replied coolly. "But I won't do it alone. You're capable, Koi. You'll be my right hand."

She tilted her head, considering. "I can respect that. But what's in it for me?"

"I will be leaving from time to time for the things that I've accomplished here. You in the other hand can handle things while I'm gone." Madara bored expression looked around the view of bandits looming around the camp. "Power, influence, and protection," Madara answered without hesitation. "Together, we can make this tribe stronger than it's ever been. We'll bring prosperity and security."

Koi chuckled, a hint of admiration in her voice. "You sound almost convincing, King Madara."

Madara's eyes narrowed slightly. "This isn't a game, Koi. Lives are at stake. We need unity and purpose."

She sobered, nodding in agreement. "Alright, 'King'. I'm in. But don't expect blind obedience."

Madara smirked faintly. "I wouldn't have it any other way. But first, time to put dogs onto a leash."

Madara got up from his spot to make his appearance towards the bandits. His hand was raised to get the people's attention.

"Listen here, you bandits. Since you've dubbed me as your new leader of this tribe and your old ways are obsolete in this world, it's time to change your mentality and approach to life," announced Madara firmly.

Some of the members were visibly unhappy.

"What are we supposed to do then?" a bandit challenged. "You won't let us raid, you won't let us fight, and now this! What the hell are we supposed to do?!"

Madara considered the words carefully, a small scowl touching his pale face as the heavens darkened overhead.

"Easy. Since you all don't want authorities all over you for your killing sprees, you will now be mercenaries, and that is final," declared Madara, his voice cutting through the murmurs of discontent.

"You want us to sell ourselves for coin?!" Angry voices erupted in protest. "That isn't our way—"

Before the dissent could escalate, Koi swiftly intervened, slicing off the head of the bandit who dared to speak out. Silence fell like a heavy shroud over the gathered bandits. With that last death, any semblance of defiance had all but been bled out of the tribe.

"Anything else?" Madara said coldly. No one dared to speak. "Anyone with complaints can take it up with them," he indicated the butchered bandits with his bloody blade before wiping it on a piece of cloth and sheathing it. "Also, I won't be able to be here all the time, so I am appointing Koi as my second in command in my absence," he announced, gesturing to the woman standing behind him. "Now, wait for further instructions from me."

Madara looked over at Koi and walked away to make another call. He heard some clapping from Koi.

"Well done, my king," Koi said with amusement as Madara scoffed at her praise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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