Day 1

16 1 0

Quick info: The name and description pretty much explain what this is. And fair warning, the filter comes off here.

Have fun! I know I won't

Its currectly 1:53am at the start of the first paragraph. And since I just finished smoking, I decided to go through my blazed rituals and enjoy some degeneracity. So my fired up mind decided to revisit the city girls "twerk" music video. And good golly god it was something.

And since I'm as blazed as a monster machine, that video had the 'mini MajinVenom' evolve like a level 48 gabite and almost tore my stitch onsie open. Yeah I where a onesie themed after a cartoon character. Bite me

So naturally I was a little depressed because I lost track of time trick or treating, so I missed my chance to rub my last one out. But I distracted myself by doing the thing I love to do while blazed the most: eating sweets.

Quick ranking of my favorite sweets to eat while blazed

#1: Chocolate in general (I am a symbiote at heart)
#2: frosted sugar cookies (aka: the best cookies known to man. And my mind won't be changed)
#3: Honey buns
#4: parfaits (I can clear out a parfait in like three bites while blazed. Two if I'm really hungry)

But back to the regularly scheduled programming.

So my entire day at school went as usual. Only the fact 'lil MajinVenom' was trying to break free all day. And there was a fight at the end of school. I might be able to share what happened in a later chapter because I don't feel like it now.

But after school my day continued like usual. I trolled around after the fight (kinda rare considering I go to a school filled mostly with barbaric baboons I'm ashamed to call classmates) when my mom picked me up from the library i went to 3 different places before I was able to go home and not relax.

Nothing exciting on the first chapter like always but meh. That's life for ya

And this concludes day one of nnn

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