𝑿𝑳𝑽𝑰𝑰𝑰 - 𝑶𝒉 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍...

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「𝑶𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗」

I slowly woke up and felt arms around me. It was none other than Sodo. I would've honestly panicked if it wasn't him, but oh well. Sodo was still asleep, and it was honestly comfortable, so I stayed like this and snuggled closer to him. He was warm...

« Good morning. » I suddenly heard Sodo say with a morning voice.

« Uh- Good morning. » I said, surprised. I hope I wasn't the reason he woke up.

« Did you sleep well? » He asked, keeping his hands around me.

« Yeah. » I said, nodding at the same time. « What about you? » I asked.

« Meh. I only slept 3 hours. » He said, chuckling quietly.

« What? How come? » I asked, sitting up after he let go of me.

Even if there was a party yesterday, he could've slept more than only 3 hours.

« Got pretty drunk, I would say. And that's just a detail, but I could hear Swiss and Kelly in the other room. If you know what I mean... » He said, a little sign of disgust on his face.

« Gosh- » I said, putting my hand on my forehead and laughing.

« I'm kinda surprised it didn't wake YOU up. Swiss is not the quiet one... » He said.

« No! Shut up! I don't wanna know! » I exclaimed while Sodo chuckled.

« How 'bout we go upstairs? » Sodo asked.

I agreed, and we headed upstairs together. The first floor was a complete mess. Guess we were gonna have to clean the house. I went upstairs to check if my room wasn't 'broken into' just to make sure. The door was still locked. I unlocked it and grabbed some new clothes before changing. As soon as I changed, I went back downstairs with everyone else, well, those who were awake.

« Heyyyyy, mornin' Neptune! » Aether said.

« Good morning. » I said.

We ate something for breakfast and started cleaning up the house afterward. Rain and Mountain woke up too and helped me, Sodo, Aether, and Cirrus clean up the mess.


It was now 4 PM. Grey clouds were covering the sky, stopping the rays of sunshine from coming through. I was talking with Kelly in the living room. As Kelly and I were talking about this and that, Sodo came from behind and startled me.

He put both of his hands on my shoulders, which cause me to flinch.

« You scared the shit out of me, you know that? » I said after almost hitting him as a reflex.

He chuckled. « I saw that! » He said.

« Wanna play Mario Kart? Im convinced I'm gonna beat you this time. » Sodo said, grinning.

I smirked. « Oh yeah? We'll see about that. » I said.

A few minutes later, Sodo and I sat on the floor with Kelly and Swiss as they asked to play with us. Sodo opened the Nintendo Switch and we all took a controller.

« Swiss, I'm warning you. If you throw my controller across the room again, I'm going to murder you. » Sodo said as he kept his eyes on the screen as he started the game.

« Noted. » Swiss said with a little chuckle.

« He threw the controller across the room? » Kelly asked.

« Yeah. He sucked so bad he got mad and threw the controller. Sodo was furious. » I said, chuckling at the memory.

« Man, where am I when all the fun things happen? » Kelly joked as she fell back, her head now being on Swiss' lap.

« Mkay, lovebirds, choose your characters. » Sodo said.

Sodo and I chose Drybones and Baby Peach as always. Swiss decided to change and took Mario. Kelly took Peach, not surprising. We then chose our karts and chose a race.

On the 3rd lap of the first race, Sodo and I were already fighting for 1st place.

« You're not winning this! » Sodo exclaimed, sure that he was going to win.

« Hell yeah, I am! » I said as I threw a red shell at him.

« Argh! Bullshit! » He complained.

I finished 1st, Sodo 3rd, Swiss 11th, and Kelly 8th. Swiss complained for the whole race again, but both Kelly and I told him to stop. Surprisingly, he listened. We did a few more races, okay, not 'a few more', basically half of the races there were in the whole game.

Sodo and I were always fighting for the best place. It was always either me in 1st and Sodo in 2nd, me in 3rd and Sodo in 2nd, or me in 2nd and Sodo in 3rd. Kelly and Swiss were just having fun playing while Sodo and I turned the whole shit into a competition.

When we were done playing, I just didn't want to get up. The only reason was because my legs were numb from sitting on the floor so long.

« Alright, lazy ass, get up. » Sodo said, holding out his hand for me to grab.

Kelly and Swiss had already left the room at this point. They were probably already upstairs.

« Nah. » I said, crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out.

He grabbed me and put me over his shoulder, which caused me to let out an unexpected yelp. The yelp was quickly followed by a laugh. He went upstairs, keeping me over his shoulder, and dropped me on the couch upside down.

I sat comfortably instead of staying upside down and looked at what was playing on the TV. Kelly was making Swiss and the Ghoulettes watch Young Sheldon. It's a series that came out not that long ago, and Kelly and I loved it... now she was forcing everyone to watch it, but who was I to stop her?

« Hey, Neptune. Do you know who Mary reminds me of? » Kelly asked with a suspicious look on her face.

I looked at her, waiting for her to tell.

« You. » She said, biting her lip as she held back a laugh.

« Fuck you, you're literally Billy's real life twin. » I scoffed.

Her jaw dropped, and she burst out in laughter, followed by me a few seconds later. Sodo and I soon joined the ghoulettes, Swiss, and Kelly, and watched the series with them.

« What the fuck is up with that boy. How's he smarter than me? » Swiss asked.

« Swiss, it's a show- » Kelly said.


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