Hi My name is Evelyn!

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(This is the first story I've ever had an effort for so please be nice and I've tried my hardest. Thank you)

Chapter 1
Bobby: Hey,who is this my contacts got deleted?


I'm sorry who is this?

I think you might have gotten the wrong number?

Maybe, I kinda accidentally deleted all of my numbers so I'm typing them in from memory

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but at least you remembered some of them! :)

Yes! At least.

Authors POV
Bobby was at the station in the kitchen leaning on the counter. "Bobby who are you texting?" Chimney said as he walks into the kitchen after losing the controller to hen on the couch. "Oh nothing" Bobby said as he pocketed his phone. "Yeah didn't look like nothing, who ya texting?" Chimney said as he walked over to the fridge. "No one important" Bobby said as he stood up and walked out the kitchen to the stairs and headed for his office.

"What's wrong with Bobby?" Hen said as she walked into the kitchen and leaned her arms on the kitchen island. "I don't know he was texting someone then got all defensive for nothing" chimney said as he walked over with a can of freshly opened pop. "That's weird" hen said as she crossed her arms. "I know it's like he's hiding something or doing something secretive" chimney said as he walked over to the couch and took the controller of the table. "Maybe" hen said as the fire alarm went off. "Alright people lets go"

(Somewhere else)

"Girl, what are you doing?" Arianna said as she walked in on her friend upside down on the couch with her phone in her hand. "Huh?" Evelyn said as she turned over to look at Arianna. "I said what are you doing?" Arianna said as she sat down on the couch next to Evelyn with bags of Chinese food. "Oh.. just sending in some last minute pages on this assignment" Evelyn said as she closed the last tab on her computer.

"No I meant why were you upside down?" Arianna said as she opened the food and gave a box to Evelyn. "Oh I was thinking about something that happened today" Arianna looked at her confused "someone texted me today" "who" arianna said as soon as she heard evelyn say someone. "I don't know, just a guy who got someone's number wrong"

Evelyn POV
I grabbed a fork of the table and started eating. "Well then just delete it" I stared at her 'why? he seems nice' "what?" Arianna said as she stopped eating and looked at me. "No they seemed like a nice person." "Alright then" Ariana said before I got a beep on my belt I took off over an hour ago. "A call?" Arianna asked when she saw me
Get up and put on my belt and shoes. "You know it" I said as I walked out my front door.

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