Wow, What a inconvenience

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(Another chapter but it's probably not gonna be as good as the one before because for some reason it's really hard for me to write in Bobby's POV.)

Chapter 2

Bobby's POV

"Alright, great job you guys"I say as me and the team gets out of the truck "hey Bobby can I talk to you real quick?" I look at hen. "Sure hen" I say as I walk to my office and open the door for her. "Okay Bobby, what's wrong?" I hear hen say as soon as I close the door. "What do you mean" I say and go to sit at my desk. " you know what I mean, why are you acting weird?"

I look up from getting a pen out of my drawer. "I don't think I'm being weird" I say as I grab a paper from one of the stacks of paper on my desk. "With chimney and your phone" hen says as she grabs the pen out of my hand. "Bobby I'm being serious" 'what does she mean' "so am I hen, I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Alright then" hen says as she walks out my door. "Wonder what that was about" I whisper as I get a notification on my phone.

514-XXX-XXXX(this is fake)

*Hey have you seen my ear buds?

"Who is this, again?" 'Oh wait that's Evelyn'

*Hey have you seen my ear buds? (Read)

I think you have the wrong number? :bobby

*Oh my stars im So sorry!

It's fine, i actually wanted to talk to you, well text

*Oh well, yes?

Would you care if I save your number in my phone?

Oh! Not at all I was actually wondering the same thing!

That's fine

Ok! Well I have to go bye Bobby!

Wait! I have one more question?


How do you know my name?

It's the name of your generated contact name :3

Oh...well bye!

Bye! :)

'she sounds so cute' I think as I finish the last of my paperwork. "Bobby, shifts over the night shift is coming" I hear from behind my door. 'must be chimney' I get up stretching and knock something off the table. 'oh I missed one' I reach down and grab the paper.

Evan Buckley recruit

"Well that's something" I say as I put the paper down on my desk and walk outside to my car. 'ill look at it tomorrow'

Bobby Nash x OcWhere stories live. Discover now