Nice to meet you?

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Evelyn Pov

"Excuse me?" "Hello!"
I turn over to look at this man "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you" 'cute' I smiled at him "no it's fine I was just looking for someone"

Bobby Pov

"No it's fine I was just looking for someone" she said "oh okay I-" "Are you going to do something or just stand in the way" the nurse at the desk said. " I'm looking for Emily Dugan"

"Oh, so am I" I said as she looked at me confused.

Authors POV

"Oh so am I" Bobby said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Room 245" "Thanks" "Thank you" Evelyn and Bobby both walked to the elevator. It was silent in the elevator until Bobby decided to ask a question.
"So, why'd you wanna talk Emily?" Evelyn looked at him annoyed. "Can you not see the badge?" Bobby then took the time to actually look at her

Bobby Pov

'Dark purple eyes, Light grey hair, black dress pants and white dress shirt, officer badge' I looked at her in the eyes. "Sorry I didn't see it until now" I say while looking away from her. "It's fine, I'm Evelyn By the way Evelyn Carter" I heard her say as she raised her hand to shake mine. "Bobby Nash"

Evelyn Pov (sorry for switching Pov so much)

"Bobby Nash" Bobby said as he shook my hand. "Nice to meet you" I say as the door to the elevator opens. 'okay 245, 200- 234-245 This is it' "after you" Bobby said as he opened the door for me "thank you" I walked into the room and sat down in the chair next to the bed, while bobby stopped at the end of the bed.

"Who are you?"


Sorry it's taking me forever to post this chapter I've been recently kind of brain dead 😭
I Thought let me just finish this chapter and see how it goes.
Well that's all
Bye 😙

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