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Warning: This chapter contains themes of violence and death that may not be suitable for some readers.

Chapter Song: Broken - Seether and Amy Lee


I managed to get some sleep thanks to Emma, her warm embrace felt like a she was hugging my heart, but the effect wore off soon after she left. I woke up in a cold sweat, looking around the room like an animal being hunted. Even though I knew I was alone, I could feel his revolting breath on my neck, hear his words in the gust of wind hitting the window, and see his cold eyes glaring at me from the void.

I spent hours hiding beneath the blanket, with my hands covering my ears and my eyes tightly shut. Murmuring to myself "Please stop." Until my voice gave in and my body stopped trembling. But no matter the gimmick I tried, he was still in the room with me, and even when I washed my hands more than ten times, I still saw the marks of blood on my skin.

When the morning came my whole body ached as if I'd been run over by a truck, but certainly I looked better than how I felt. It was dreadful that Emma had to see me in that miserable state, but I found that my heart dreaded something more, seeing her leave.

I wasn't lonely for long though; I got an unexpected visit from June. She entered the room with blushed cheeks, agitated breathing and distressed eyes. Once she saw me, she held her breath, trying not to cry as she approached the bed.

"I promise it's not as bad as it looks." I forced a smile in an attempt to make her feel better.

She sat in front of me with her lips pressed together and her eyes fighting away the tears. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I don't know what to say."

I put my hand on top of hers. "It's okay."

"I rushed to see you as soon as I heard. I was so worried I felt like my heart was dying." Her choice of words was odd, but I took it as nothing more than the fret talking.

"I'm sorry, it must have been really scary to hear what happened." She nodded; her sincerity was quite endearing. "Come here." I said with open arms. She hugged me back carefully and quietly cried on my shoulder, hoping I wouldn't notice.

Not long after, her manager came looking for her, she was reluctant to leave but she had to. With her head down and the pitiful eyes of a lost puppy she walked out.

The rest of the day went on at a confounding pace as I distracted myself watching the clouds move, hoping that would keep my mind busy enough to forget. But of course, that man wouldn't allow me that luxury. My phone rang, drilling his voice inside my ears and staining back my mind. I didn't want to look but I couldn't stop myself.

"My dear Sunshine, when will I see you again? I miss you already. Hope by the next time we meet you've learnt the lesson, please don't make me do anything crazy."

His sick obsession kept tearing me apart, I was barely surviving and didn't know how long I could hold onto my empty life. How could someone find any sense of joy in doing something so cruel?


Later in the afternoon the doctor came to check on me again and told me I could go. It didn't take long for Ren to make his appearance, hugging me with utmost care and stuffing my ears with sweet words as if nothing had happened.

I was too tired to fight so I went with him, the whole time I didn't say a word but that didn't faze him, he was used to drowning out the air of any room without missing a beat. When we arrived, I went to the bedroom and started quietly packing up my things.

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